Example sentences of "and [vb base] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They welcome the new day and tend to feel at their best at about noon or earlier .
2 Co-stars Christopher Cazenove and Robin Nedwell lack musical training and tend to struggle through their numbers .
3 They are more sympathetic to the public perception of the audit and tend to cut through its more arcane aspects .
4 I take my drink to a table and sit staring at my shopping list as though it 's the most fascinating thing in the world .
5 I pour a hot coffee , and sit sipping at it in my kitchen armchair .
6 He or she may be teased by the other children and remain alienated from them into adulthood .
7 As he rode into the tent , he was careful to keep his face away from her , and remain wrapped in his cloak .
8 Another and equally disconcerting presence had materialized there — one which she had attempted to diminish some time ago and send packing from her thoughts .
9 Imagine that you are writing an essay , and want to refer to what Norris says about deconstruction .
10 If you rent your home from the local authority and want to move within your present locality , the housing department may be able to recommend a housing association in addition to their own accommodation .
11 Can you grind pelvises throughout a company dinner dance and expect to return to your hotel room unambushed ?
12 right , well that 's the sort of things that I think we want to find out and in slower time I was actually going to ring the yeah at Telford and say speak to me about this and maybe pop in one morning on my way into town and just say this is the idea how does it grab you and if they say you 're not on fine , but it 's things like that that I think we want to explore .
13 Already he could feel depression and worry creeping over him like a periodic fever .
14 Malvern had Streather and Blanchet to thank for their decisive third point in the semi-final against Harrow and a win on the 19th .
15 Such a situation is one which allows other countries to put aside international law and act according to their own judgments .
16 Dad flushed and let go of me and went to sit down again .
17 And let go of me . ’
18 Hold them at the same height above the ground and let go of them both at the same moment .
19 The horse , trained to keep calm , hardly moved , but the schoolgirl shrieked in terror and let go of her pram , which ran into the column of marchers ; it hit the man standing next to Clare , who stumbled heavily against her , knocking her sideways .
20 Using these questions to monitor what is happening will help you spot conflict early and react to deal with it .
21 Why could n't she believe that and stop thinking about it ?
22 Yeah , I reckon you wan na grow these sides down properly now and stop twiddling with them !
23 And then , ‘ Oh , eat your lunch and stop looking at me with those great spaniel eyes .
24 And stop smiling at me like that ! ’ she ordered crossly .
25 Only I would wish to tell my sister as soon as possible and put paid to her nonsense .
26 so we 've got one or two people because they thought they 'd do a duo on design and print buying from them
27 He was in a filthy mood , first because I 'd suggested he sleep on my floor instead of at Sorrel 's so we could get an early start , then because I 'd made him wear a suit and tie to go with our Yuppie cover ( and because I 'd insisted on the shirt as well ) .
28 You feel insecure do n't you and there she is and look come off it !
29 ‘ I greet your lordship well , in the hope of a good deliverance for us all , and look to hear from you again , God willing .
30 Meditation , yoga , and psychotherapy have all been taken up by Westerners as ways of helping themselves cope , and give meaning to their lives .
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