Example sentences of "and [det] be [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course it can be argued that since he adopted the Liberal cause in the 1920s , he was practically at one with Liberalism , and that is all that matters .
2 Their uncle got here and that is all that matters , ’ Rose smoothed , turning to chat to the girls in the back .
3 ‘ There 's a real danger in the field of design these days that you become known for a specific style , like a particular type of chair , for instance , and that is all that people will ever want you to do . ’
4 ( In good humour he has already turned back to the mime : the two SPIES awaiting execution at the hands of the PLAYER ) Audiences know what to expect , and that is all that they are prepared to believe in .
5 If polling day is 9 April , a certain amount of time is needed to get business through the House , and that is all that the guillotine is for .
6 We are together and that is all that matters for now . ’
7 That 's the s o o reply , and that is all cos because of the central go government support grant who are naturally younger .
8 Moreover , under section 245 of the Code , bodily harm includes any hurt or injury that interferes with the health or comfort of the complainant and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature .
9 ‘ I do n't think you could honestly say it was going well just now , but it will do soon and that 's all that matters . ’
10 and that 's all that matters
11 Still , it worked , and that 's all that matters .
12 It does n't matter — they 're in the wild and breeding successfully , I 'm pleased to say , and that 's all that matters .
13 It does n't sound very much like Michael Caine , but then it does n't sound like your own voice either and that 's all that matters .
14 I have you and that 's all that matters .
15 ‘ But we got you free and that 's all that really matters .
16 All we 've got is memories and love , and that 's all that matters
17 And that 's all that happened .
18 Thank you very much , Jo , Peter and Dick , and that 's all that we have time for today .
19 Thank you very much , Low , and that 's all that we have time for today .
20 She said and that 's all that matters .
21 You know what they mean and that 's all that matters .
22 And it does n't matter about anybody else , because the wedding 'll take place and grandad has to sign the register , dad has to sign the register and the mother can sign and that 's all that matters .
23 Well and that 's all but
24 in their opinion and that 's that and and they get it .
25 Aye , and I have all me hair and most of me teeth and that 's more than many men ten years younger can boast of ! ’
26 This new record has got five original songs on it and that 's more than usual .
27 " You 've got some weight coming and that 's more than I shall ever have . "
28 ‘ He knows what he wants , and that 's more than most folk do . ’
29 There is also the case for state financing , which is the position of the Party but for the foreseeable future the Labour Party will need trades union money , and as Steve said even our fiercest critics have to admit that the money the union gives to the Party is open and above board and that 's more than can be said of the money that 's used to finance the Conservative Party .
30 The paper circulated demonstrates that since eighty-eight nine through to ninety-three four , whereas county council spending as a whole has gone up by thirty-eight percent , spending on the police has gone up by eighty-eight percent , and that 's more than double .
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