Example sentences of "and [det] be [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , it does highlight a major problem that we have so far not considered — some would argue it is the major reason why interagency cooperation is so difficult — and that is lack of resources .
2 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
3 And that is quarter past four
4 From our statistical survey we found ninety-five per cent of parents have no respite or break from their children and that is alot of families .
5 On the other hand one of the standard definitions of the term " politics " is " the art of rallying support to a cause in which you are interested " and that is part of the fabric of social life in any sort of social system .
6 Before we leave this discussion of basic theory and turn our attention finally to the modern world , there is one further point that I think is worth making and that is part of the answer to the second question asked above , namely , why do individuals go through the three stages in the conventional order ?
7 And that is part of your therapy for poor frigid Shelley , is that it ? ’
8 However , there is a different form of uncertainty that can not possibly help the theist 's case , and that is uncertainty about what is meant by talking about God .
9 Soon he will have his own conscience to live with and that is punishment for any man . ’
10 Then you run into the appalling problem that the Americans were conscious of from the word go , and that is Ramadan in the middle of March , and whether the Muslims will fight .
11 And that 's work on the side and hope to get away with it .
12 But Betteridge said he stayed in all night and watched Inspector Morse and That 's Life with his girlfriend .
13 You know that too and that 's part of the reason why you befuddle yourself with drink .
14 Believe me , Lennox is so cool he really winds you up and that 's part of the secret behind his success .
15 What we 've been through in the last few years has brought us a lot closer , and that 's part of the reason I 'm getting out of the rat race of international cricket … certainly for a few years , anyway .
16 And that 's part of the geography
17 And , and that 's part of the direct in the Cafe Direct .
18 And that 's part of what we want to offer on this news network .
19 oh I came , came to several conclusions , erm , one , one of the problems that the article faced me with , if it had been a simple outburst , if , if the , the Daily Telegraph had simply taken an advert out as opposed to maybe editorials then I may of had less a problem , because the problem with editorials is that they are believed , companies adverts are n't believed , well they 're partially believed , but an editorial carries a lot more weight and therefore when it 's written like that it tends to strike home much harder , therefore that , my immediate thoughts were that if were going to react , if we were going to find a way of cantering the problems we felt this had created , then we would not have to follow any normal course of action , we simply could n't put an advert out because nobody would have believed it , we would have to look at it a different way of actually cantering and that 's part of the reason for the time taking to think it through .
20 And that 's part of your three days is it ?
21 As far as the agro-chemical industry is concerned , Mr Botham added : ‘ For us costs have gone up by 15-18 per cent and that in turn means that farmers will be paying 8-12 per cent more — and that 's way above the rate of inflation . ’
22 and that 's quarter past three
23 Okay , well let's go on to the next topic I 'm proposing to cover and that 's communication in organisations .
24 Yes , and we could sell our products and that 's sort of thing .
25 Erm no what coming out of this is that how that although one would assume in the south that the peasants ought to be more revolutionary , in actual fact it 's the reverse and why is this happening , is it because of the fact that the Communist Party were in the n that maybe essentially that the peasants in China er were reactionary and worked within the confines of moral economy , but because of the presence of the Communist Party in the north they became more revolutionary and that 's sort of suggested by the success of land reform there and the fact that how , that they ca n't implement it in the south .
26 Yeah , but just because they 're a rubbish band , does n't mean that they ca n't communicate , and that 's sort of the image that we 're portraying here .
27 The small companies themselves have got to understand what they need to grow is long term financing and that 's cash in the business .
28 The likes of Polanski , Nicholson and Hopper all talked freedom — even if it was at the movies — and that was music to the ears of those who followed the anti-war , hippie-inspired trend of throwing off inhibitions , of which there were plenty of public demonstrations when the beautiful people gathered , be it Los Angeles , New York , London or Paris .
29 She had pitied him ; and that was part of the devaluing , the belittling .
30 And that was part of my work .
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