Example sentences of "and [vb past] them at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then he took the stones from their pouch and laid them at the bottom of the Bowl .
2 In short , the consumer called the tune and the operators who prospered were those who best identified the needs of the consumers and met them at the right price .
3 Hawkins , a Devon merchant , had seen that the demand for slaves from Africa was increasing in South America , and in 1562 he sailed — in the way many Englishmen were to do in the seventeenth and eighteenth century — to West Africa , bought slaves , took them to the Caribbean ports , and sold them at a profit .
4 The tide had n't covered the pebbles yet , so I took up a handful and lobbed them at the bottle .
5 So I went on into the town , and told them at the castle , and the lord Beringar has set a guard on the place now until daylight .
6 She' took sandwiches and ate them at the school .
7 Aunt Margaret hastily took a bunch of paper roses from a bag she carried and threw them at the stage .
8 ‘ So what I did was , I got some stones and threw them at the driver . ’
9 He considered him as he caused coffee to be produced and established them at the big table at the other end of his room .
10 He became suspicious and denounced them at a branch meeting .
11 He stretched out his long legs and crossed them at the ankles .
12 The folds look as if they are pushing Helmsdale right into the sea ; as though the river in spate had collected all the houses it could uproot inland and deposited them at the river mouth with just enough of a toehold to keep them there .
13 Nellie had packed the two children 's bags and left them at the door .
14 He ripped the pages from the note-book , screwed them up , and hurled them at the waste-paper basket .
15 Their education certainly suffered as the teachers did not like them interrupting the curriculum and sat them at the back of the class and told them to write home .
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