Example sentences of "and [vb past] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He lapsed into a sullen silence as the cab left the confines of the airport terminal and cruised up the turnpike onto the freeway .
2 At last the cabby climbed up to his seat and whipped up the horse .
3 A little way along , Vern stopped and sat on the very same wall and gazed up the gorge , like I 'd done , at the high flying bridge .
4 Sailing on the night on 26 December — the day Colonel Harrison 's men landed in the Lofoten Islands — the Vaagsö force met the submarine HMS Tuna on station as their navigation check at 0700 hours off Vaagsfjord and steamed up the fjord between spectacular snow-covered hills glinting in the dark .
5 The visitor sat back and watched the alchemy of the coffee take shape as the slightly stale odour of boiling milk permeated the room and steamed up the windows that looked down into Sauchiehall Street .
6 She put her nose high in the air and stalked up the garden .
7 She riddled the dust and made up the fire and said , ‘ You two make friends time that 's cooked .
8 They leaped down and charged up the shore , yelling triumphantly .
9 As Alcuin looked back from the high days of his own collaboration with Charlemagne , which also involved his many pupils who became bishops and abbots , he obviously saw a model of this relationship at the York of his younger days , when Eadbert ruled Northumbria while his brother Egbert was archbishop of York and built up the cathedral library .
10 ‘ You are a success to them if you fit in with the culture , particularly when they have gone thousands of miles and built up the clubs themselves .
11 The Emperor Frederick Barbarossa ( d. 1190 ) had established the German monarchy and built up the power of the emperor in the north to a hitherto unparalleled degree .
12 They brought in the horses , hobbled them and built up the fire .
13 At a time when Japanese cars were a joke , his faith and perseverance founded the Nissan dealerships and built up the business .
14 Lucier stood up , with his hand spread across his breastbone as if to protect his heart from the jolt , and weighed up the possibilities of escape .
15 The conductor pushed the door open and peered up the train to see that others were doing the same .
16 In fury , Richmann threw Carrefour aside , and snatched up the gun which had skittered across the floor .
17 It was her ‘ wait ’ and she sped down the stone staircase ahead of the lumbering old man and snatched up the receiver .
18 Before she could finish her sentence , Charles had stepped briskly across the room and snatched up the receiver .
19 He said , ‘ Sorry , ’ and snatched up the receiver .
20 Kath heard her feet hurrying away , and snatched up the stethoscope .
21 Coughing blood and phlegm , he raised his voice and shouted up the staircase into the sounds of the storm and the destruction .
22 With his left hand he tore open the tunic of his uniform and drew up the undershirt , baring the flesh .
23 You can read in The Spectator of two hundred and sixty years ago that the streets of London were not safe at night because of the Mohawks , gangs who terrorised London and beat up the Watch , who tarred and feathered innocent citizens .
24 Most of the front row jumped to their feet and fled up the aisle away from the danger .
25 Reluctant to brave the corridor again in case the conspirators emerged and caught her , she turned sharply and fled up the tower stairs , just one thought uppermost in her mind .
26 John Hales of Coventry , a bitter opponent of enclosures , wrote in 1549 that the bulk of them had occurred before the accession of Henry VII , and the Italian historian Polydore Vergil ( probably writing about 1530 ) , said of the proceedings of 1517 , that for half a century or more previously , sheep-farming nobles had tried to find devices to increase the income of their lands , and that to this end they had destroyed dwelling-houses and filled up the land with animals .
27 Over at Robinsgrove , finding no water to hose down the ponies , Perdita put them in their boxes and , having given them their hay nets and filled up the water buckets from the water trough , raced off to Dancer 's for a swim .
28 came unto the workmen and beat and terrified them , threatening to kill them , if they would not leave their work , threw some of them in the river and kept them under water with long poles , and at several other times , upon the Knelling of a Bell , came to the said works in riotous and warlike manner , divided themselves into companies , to take the workmen and filled up the ditches and drains , made to carry away the water , burned up the working tools and other materials of the Relator and his workmen , and set up poles in the form of gallows , to terrifie the workmen and threatened to break their arms and legs , and beat and hurt many of them and made others flee away , whom they pursued to a town with such terror and threats , that they were forced to guard the town .
29 The creditors had come from every corner of the globe and filled up the ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto with their lawyers and advisers .
30 OK , I often employ builders on the basis that they 've got an honest face only to find they 've nicked my buckets , added unnegotiated noughts on to their invoices and buggered up the plumbing but …
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