Example sentences of "and [vb past] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The baby had been taken away immediately and wired up in an incubator for three days .
2 Kicking her shoes off , she rested her head on an antimacassar and gazed up at the chandelier .
3 In the thirty-foot-long , dark-panelled bedroom , she lay upon the Jacobean four-poster bed and gazed up at the crimson brocade canopy .
4 She climbed out of the ‘ speeder and gazed up at the darkening sky .
5 She straightened her shoulders and gazed up at the unremitting blue of the sky .
6 She sat quite still , the little book in her lap and gazed up at the pale candle flame , hardly seeing it , so busy was her inward eye upon the scenes that had held her in thrall for two hours or more .
7 He rested his dark head against the pillows and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke .
8 She dropped her head back to relieve the tension in her neck , and gazed up at the rigging .
9 Nervously she smoothed down her saffron-coloured skirt and gazed up at the house as Steve , with bounding energy , leapt out of the Suzuki .
10 She finished her coffee , and gazed up at the hillside , where Rafaelo 's white villa caught the sun , and his growing vegetables and vines lay in neat terraces up the hill .
11 These points were then totalled and posted up in the staff room , and at the end of the year those at the bottom of the list were dismissed .
12 We spent a day ashore on Barentsøya where the Dutch party went off inland on their own and met up with a polar bear with two cubs , which ran off when they saw the party .
13 According to Virginia Cowles , he dropped with Lewes 's party , but others say that he was left at Kabrit as a result of injuries during training and met up with the survivors later .
14 Their advice should probably have been to go down the High Street to a large newsagents and buy one or more magazines devoted to the PC and read up on the subject .
15 and read up to the summer
16 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
17 He was careful , shrewd , and thoroughly able , and made up for the collapse of the older coastal trades by sending his ships farther afield .
18 You might compare , for instance , a real letter from 1740 with one of the letters in Richardson 's novel Pamela ( published 1740 , and made up of a sequence of imitation letters ) .
19 5.3.1 an aggregate sum of ten thousand dollars ( $10,000 ) as an advance on the sums due under clause 5.3.2 below and made up of the following payments :
20 PARIS — The French Army , fatigued by khaki , is to get a new ‘ modular ’ uniform designed by Pierre Balmain and made up in a grey-blue colour known as Terre de France .
21 Once the interlining has been locked in , the two layers of fabric can be treated as one and made up in the same way .
22 She saw the little procession of horsemen climbing the ramp towards Parfois , and crept up through the trees to see more closely , for it seemed to her that the middle figure of the five was bound , and one of those who rode beside him led his horse by the bridle .
23 Another day dawned and the mists from the river swirled and eddied round the banks and crept up to the house the Hanging Judge had built .
24 I see you 've talked to Pickerage , ’ said Mr Crumwallis , his long , bony body now fully inside and draped up against the doorpost , his head poked forward , the whole effect being to make him look like a bereaved ostrich .
25 He and David Hemmings got on very well and got up to a lot of mischievous things .
26 She climbed the rickety steps set into the hillside and got up to the porch of the Katz house .
27 One startling apparition a few seats away was masked , and got up like a Chinese mandarin , with clacking claws for hands emerging from generous silk sleeves .
28 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
29 Marie pushed back her coffee and got up from the table .
30 He looked at me for a moment then sighed and got up from the chair .
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