Example sentences of "and [vb past] in [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So I got on the Greyhound Bus for a six-hour ride to Washington and checked in at a cheap hotel opposite the bus depot .
2 At Bragança there was no response from the tower as we transmitted our intentions , landed and taxied in to the little apron .
3 They could not open the door , so they climbed down from the roof and got in through the window .
4 Stepping out of the stables , she opened the half-door of the Lagonda and got in on the driver 's side .
5 Ellwood walked to his car and got in like a man with a purpose accomplished .
6 Jacqueline had given birth to Tommy 's daughter and moved in with a man called Steve Branch , who was living on Mill Farm Close .
7 I took the ferry back to Picton , drove to Christchurch , and moved in to the flat in the university Hall of Residence which had been reserved for me .
8 I bought something very quickly in the area where we had planned to buy before , and moved in in a matter of weeks , decorating the place with the help of my mum and dad and furnishing it with the family 's cast-offs and a sofa-bed which Nick gave me .
9 The whole dinghy was jammed and sucked in under the stem , then rolled over , held fast by her steel mast which would not snap .
10 He affixed a small jewellers ' eyeglass to his eye , and peered in at the device 's workings more closely .
11 The french windows were closed and he drew his gun and peered in to the gloomy apartment .
12 They walked briskly over to the two cars and Plumpton bent down and peered in through the windows of the Mini .
13 Bodie nodded towards the door of Flat 30 and Doyle stepped across to it , dropped to a crouch and peered in through the letterbox .
14 At last , under the cover of a black moonless night , Grandfather Denknetzeyan stole over to the house and peered in through the kitchen window .
15 It was a slow , infuriating process , and as A roads gave way to B and Robyn neared her destination already two hours late , the slowly darkening skies became as black and as desperate as Robyn 's frame of mind , until the heavens opened and it started to pour — not reasonable , perfectly acceptable drops of rain from a warm July sky , but pounding , penetrating torrents that battered and bounced off the roof of the jeep and seeped in through the ill-fitting windows .
16 Across the highway , the driver of the second rig swung his wheel hard over and accelerated in through the gap in the wake of the three fire tenders .
17 OTHERS have preferred to select the right machine for the duty and ground conditions and hired in for the job .
18 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
19 He could see the grey ruffled silk of the sea on the left as they banked and came in towards the airport .
20 Spotting the light of prospect , Christopher Barry applied to join the BBC , and came in as a Production Assistant in 1955 .
21 I did it during the week and came in on a Saturday for myself .
22 He added : ‘ I qualified in 1948 and came in with the health service .
23 One of the young probationers from Bluebird was on the ward , and came in with an injection for him , to help him to go to sleep .
24 It 's possible that he tiptoed down the passage and came in by the main door .
25 Anna shut the door again , she did not know that Mena had followed her , and walked round the house and came in by the terrace , a smile on her face .
26 He smiled and came in from the terrace .
27 Lucker with his booted feet on the bed , and walled in by a screening newspaper , makes no gesture of acknowledgement .
28 In London in 1969 he concluded that Rolling Stone would be an extremely fashionable thing to be involved in , and dropped in at the magazine 's Maddox Street offices .
29 Hard to feel sorry for the laird , who would have watched the sweating workers from his window , hands in pockets , listening for the doorbell in case the king changed his mind and dropped in for a scone .
30 Then she had descended through the familiar outer layers of Dreamspace , and faded in on the bus .
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