Example sentences of "and [vb past] on to the " in BNC.

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1 Willie blushed and clung on to the top of the blankets .
2 Jan Indian-striped my cheek with lipstick and hopped on to the platform , turning to shout : ‘ They 'll think I 'm one too , Monica !
3 It is possible for teachers to keep a personal notebook which does not form part of the record and is not open to subject access , but if information is intended to be used officially and passed on to the next teacher it should be treated in the same way as the formal record .
4 Some species of these single-celled creatures even select and collect tiny grains of sand which , rather than being used in the ‘ parent 's ’ outer shell are collected together internally and passed on to the ‘ offspring ’ when the single-celled organism divides .
5 Some of the cost can be borne by the management company and passed on to the owners through the maintenance charge , but the proportion relating to the construction and pre-sales periods will have to be borne by ourselves as developers .
6 Er in the morning he would be in before any of them , sort of thing , getting a fire lit getting the rivets heat up before they come on the job and ah the the quicker he could the the rivets heat up and passed on to the the squad , then okay the more they could put in so , if he were a good rivet boy you could maybe get a good wage , but again that was up to the squad up to the riveter .
7 All the cans of food and money , which came to more than £50 , has been collected and passed on to the County Durham Kostroma Appeal .
8 Droplets of blood ran over his fingers and dripped on to the floor .
9 No movement , no luck With a silent curse he extricated himself from the first trap and moved on to the next
10 I was bored stupid by it and moved on to the marketing department of an American conglomerate .
11 The young hijacker laughed again and moved on to the next seat .
12 They left me and moved on to the little Jewish family .
13 If the guess was correct the subject was told so and moved on to the next letter .
14 They have cautiously emerged from the kitchen and bathroom by this time , and moved on to the garage .
15 Er , most officers would have accepted it and moved on to the next subject .
16 Channel 4 says the show recognises its audience may already have left sexual theory behind and moved on to the practical side of the subject .
17 ‘ No idea , ’ replied the young lieutenant , and moved on to the next bed .
18 Becky turned and moved on to the bathroom .
19 WALL AFTER WALL of raging water rose up and thundered on to the strange craft intent on destroying it and the frail humans clinging to it for their lives .
20 Rain felt her legs weaken and sank on to the edge of the bed .
21 Feeling as though she had been punched in the stomach , she staggered into the drawing-room and sank on to the sofa .
22 At Private Eye 's 30th birthday party , a very pissed Merton turned up , reveals Hislop , and staggered on to the stage .
23 Jerry Foley , 29 , jumped at least seven red lights and veered on to the wrong side of the road before staggering out of the car when it ran out of petrol , Wood Green crown court heard .
24 It teetered on one edge of its base , and toppled on to the platform with surprisingly little noise but with enough force for Bernice to feel the floor move beneath her feet and a blast of displaced air brush against her face .
25 " Let's have him out , " I gasped , and as the young man pulled on the forelegs I supported the body , which slid and toppled on to the tarmac with a horrible limpness .
26 He came out and flopped on to the bed .
27 They filled the aisle around the coffin and spilled on to the altar itself .
28 The spent cartridge came out with the handkerchief and dropped on to the roadside verge .
29 He said nothing and she went , with smooth , unflustered movements , to the couch and dropped on to the yielding cushions and prayed for Oliver to come and quickly .
30 She closed her eyes and dropped on to the bed , her heart pounding .
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