Example sentences of "and [vb past] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although Félix slept more soundly than we did — and snored and swore in his sleep — for the three nights he stayed , Jean-Claude and I could not feel comfortable about making love .
2 The head lay harmlessly flattened into the grass , but the broken shaft pierced through Cynan 's tunic and shirt and stabbed and splintered against his ribs .
3 ½ tons ) in the Works Iron Foundry and machined by the Machine Shop , the component parts also being manufactured in the Machine Shop and wired and fitted in the Electric Shop .
4 His mother 's bedroom , once hung with hand-painted eighteenth century Chinese wall-paper , now ripped and defaced and stained with urine .
5 She confirmed to McIllvanney that the weather-fax machine and the Loran and the Satnav and the radar and all the other things that hummed and winked and glowed in the night were working properly .
6 His First from Cambridge was followed by a short career in the Civil Service , commercial experience with IBM , and work with another search firm before he joined John Stork and met and worked with Saxton .
7 All of this has been enacted and realised and completed in Jesus himself , and the meaning of sin , so far as we are concerned , is only really opened up at the very place where it is borne and done away with .
8 As you say , plain boards lettered and varnished and exposed to the elements soon lose their fresh effect .
9 Her bows plunged , shouldering aside streaming seas upon which the galleys slid and swooped and plummeted like seal pups caught in the wash of a bear .
10 Who begged and argued and fought for them until they were free to go ? ’
11 Even over the economy , in particular interest rates and membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism , the newspapers argued and argued and argued against the Government 's destructive obstinacy .
12 Before the storm broke he fell into a sleep so peaceful and deep that he heard nothing of the thunder crashing overhead or of the rush of waters as the lake filled and spread and crept and grew like a living thing .
13 He lived in a small house there with his brothers and sisters , all Israeli citizens who spoke Hebrew and lived and worked in Israel .
14 He was deeply interested in the progress of the American Revolution , and owned and studied in detail a copy of the constitution of Pennsylvania .
15 Here the sales staff glided about with languid grace more reminiscent of Paris than New York , the house models managed to look like elegant advertisements for Varna even after a long session of standing stock still while a toile was pinned and draped and adjusted around them , and even when a rail of sample clothes had to be wheeled across the hallowed expanse of green , carefully hidden inside grey and black sample bags to make sure they were safe from the photographic eye of a fashion spy , it was managed with what Hugo referred to as ‘ panache ’ .
16 Cartoon characters chased each other across the screen , glamorous women won the hearts of kings , innocent settlers set themselves against ruthless cattle-ranchers , war heroes plotted and schemed and died for their beloved country .
17 It did n't like it at first , and moved and beat against the sides of the plastic and the neck of the can while I held it and sweated , listening to the hum of the insects and the rustling of the grass , staring at Blyth as he lay there still and silent , his dark hair ruffled now and again by the breeze .
18 It was discovered not on earth in fact but on the sun in the first place , in about eighteen sixty-eight erm absorption lines were seen , and , and it was a long time after that before people realised there was some helium on the earth and , and , and eventually erm helium , some gas was found bubbling up through , from a pit in the Black Forest and , and analysed and found to be helium .
19 In my judgment , this draft having been sent to the plaintiffs by Sir Richard Temple , and retained and cashed by them , we ought to draw the conclusion that the plaintiff , who kept and cashed the draft , agreed to accept it on the terms upon which it was sent … .
20 ‘ Well , they do say , ’ said Caspar , and stopped and looked at them again .
21 It was a very nice day out actually , and everything from serious riders who just went up and down and the most energetic one did a hundred miles , to families who treated it , took a picnic and stopped and looked at the badger tunnels .
22 He hemmed and hawed and rambled through a number of subjects before making a sideways approach to what he really seemed to need , which was any useful or memorable detail that would be worth noting about the previous night 's client .
23 Blue light , and silver and bronze , streamed and bounced and danced through tall windows .
24 — their fear of being burned alive on a barbecue like the young slave who ran away last week and was caught and tried and sentenced to death by this method
25 Cameron slept instantly , and woke and dreamed and woke and dreamed for hours — the river , the cold shock of the water between his legs , the glimmer of light on the far shore , the current filling his mouth , he swam against it , it helped him , he struck out as smoothly as a seal , skimming effortlessly , he could power onwards forever , the water buoying him , his hand stroking it easily backwards without a splash …
26 He held no office , had no possessions , and came and went from the political arena at times of his own choosing .
27 Although he was initially delighted to be a father , Keith was totally unable to cope with the responsibility and came and went in their relationship as he pleased , giving little help or support .
28 Pion nodded to his mother and came and stood by Masklin , who could n't think of anything to say .
29 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
30 He shut the door quickly behind him and came and sat on the small wooden chair in the corner .
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