Example sentences of "and [vb past] [coord] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 In my judgment , this draft having been sent to the plaintiffs by Sir Richard Temple , and retained and cashed by them , we ought to draw the conclusion that the plaintiff , who kept and cashed the draft , agreed to accept it on the terms upon which it was sent … .
2 Pion nodded to his mother and came and stood by Masklin , who could n't think of anything to say .
3 She drew up a second chair and came and sat by him .
4 And suddenly , astonishingly , astonished , she began to weep , great sobs bursting out of her , tears leaping from her eyes , a kind of howling noise in her nose and throat , and Charles got up and came and sat by her and took her in his arms as she howled like a six-year-old .
5 These pavements , the bare bones of the Dales , stripped of soil during the last Ice Age , seemed to stretch for miles , their surface fretted by grikes and clints and scoured and bleached by rain and winds that sweep these fells .
6 Dic , Our Daddy , walked away from it and ended up moving between his daughters — ‘ You never noticed him if he did n't speak ’ — putting a shilling on the horses , reading anything that came to hand , off on his benders , neglecting all his children and loved and welcomed by all his daughters , a kind of successful King Lear of the Welsh coalfields .
7 Later the cloth was brushed with teasels to raise the nap and sheared and dyed by the shearmen dyers .
8 When a frottola is through-composed under textual pressure , and aerated and enlivened by polyphonic passages , it is indistinguishable in musical style from the earlier madrigal , particularly as the madrigal tended at first to cling to the note against-note style with a melodically more important highest part .
9 Opponents lucky enough to escape Malawi to live in exile have sometimes been hunted down and assassinated or abducted by Malawian agents in Zambia or Zimbabwe .
10 Headed by Barry White , Area Sales Manager and aided and abetted by Sales Managers Colin Harrison and Bob Harris , the brief was to take these sales-hungry technicians and introduce them into the intricacies involved in a sales career .
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