Example sentences of "and [vb past] [noun prp] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Collector 's delirium still continued and he was undoubtedly becoming weaker ; because of these continuing symptoms McNab now substituted bark , chloric aether , and ammonia in effervescence for the laudanum and asked Miriam to increase the brandy to half an ounce every hour .
2 McDonald 's Development Company , the European HQ of McDonald 's based in Frankfurt , Germany , staged their biennial 3-day ‘ Bakery Seminar ’ at the Manchester Hilton and commissioned SEL to provide a full simultaneous interpreting service in German and English .
3 Its only significant achievements came at the outset , when the Great Powers recognized the legitimacy of de Gaulle 's government and invited France to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council — a status which would almost certainly not have been offered , had there been no de Gaulle and no Free France .
4 She plucked a great hank of silk thread from the girdle of her spinsterhood ; tied one end of it to the wedding ring of her virginity and , looping the two ends of the hank over either wrist , spread her hands and invited Maggie to take the other end and wind a neat ball .
5 As a sign of respect for the Prince of the Parc , Toulon refused to draw the dressing rooms and invited Biarritz to use the facilities of the French team .
6 Taking off the net , Robert felt the reflexes then examined the arm and drew Sophie to inspect the damage .
7 In the end , and because Lord Hunter was presented to us as a man of independent judgement , we decided to do so , and advised Meehan to do the same .
8 Thomas stopped and gestured Corbett to do the same .
9 As tears began to run down her cheeks Seb dropped the reins and allowed Grye to crop the grass on the verge as he took Carrie in his arms .
10 Furious , she walked out of the shop with bundles of the offending garment over her arm and telexed Carno to withdraw the pattern from production immediately .
11 In December 1989 Greene postponed the beginning of Poindexter 's trial and ordered Reagan to provide the court with the documents in question so that he ( Greene ) could assess their relevance to Poindexter 's defence .
12 Probably Tyndall took a design from each and employed Bridges to make the model that bound them all fairly convincingly together as they now stand , each fine in its way but inconsequential .
13 Henry himself marched into Anjou to carry out a similar policy and sent Geoffrey to do the same in Brittany .
14 ‘ The ability to derive quantative data from the core within hours of coring played a significant role in selection of drill stem test intervals and enabled Statoil to maximise the effectiveness of expensive and time-consuming critical processes .
15 Eventually Rutherford 's bat protruded too far forward and enabled Stewart to take a smart catch at short leg .
16 This was successful beyond their expectations , and enabled Swindin to enjoy a long and fruitful retirement .
17 This Act authorised LEAs to pay for pupils to attend independent schools , and enabled LEAs to recover the costs of providing further education for students not belonging to their area ( repealed in the 1980 Education Act ) .
18 Konstantin Kavelin took the train from St Petersburg and persuaded Chicherin to write the first of his anti-governmental memoranda .
19 Indenbaum knew how badly Modigliani needed money so he tried to offer him a sum within his means for the beautiful oil , but Modigliani was offended and obliged Indenbaum to accept the portrait as a present .
20 Tosh McKinlay , who scored once and forced Taylor to concede an own goal , Gary Mackay and Derek Ferguson all made a creative contribution to an enjoyable match .
21 He turned and motioned Carter to take the lead .
22 He made no attempt at any civility , and left Elizabeth to do the talking .
23 Our depression over Frank 's surprise departure and the loss of the radio deepened when ‘ Trust me ’ Ali turned up and wanted Terry to make a new video .
24 The fourth earl died in 1851 and his successor retrenched on expenditure , opened the gardens to the public , and instructed Barron to develop a commercial nursery at the garden .
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