Example sentences of "and [vb past] [noun pl] that had " in BNC.

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1 My mother enquired after Ras Tafari 's wife and family , especially after his eldest son , Asfa Wossen , who as a baby at the time of the battle of Sagale had sheltered with us in the Legation ; then they spoke of mutual friends , and recalled events that had occurred while we were in Abyssinia .
2 And in that flare and roar of lightning , Cardiff saw a hideous face straining to look directly at him as huge and ravaged claws that had once been hands thrashed inwards on the brick face of the basement , seeking purchase .
3 They were all the thwarted ambitions , evil intentions , bitter memories , crushed hopes and suppressed lusts that had emanated from human hearts since life began , and which now invisibly thronged the air .
4 Silvia had stuck to her promises for the first couple of days , but then had followed a catalogue of excuses and cancelled lessons that had left Ronni feeling angry and on edge .
5 Mr Suzuki 's flourishes merely echoed and embellished words that had been uttered with signal prescience almost exactly eighty years before , by John Hay .
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