Example sentences of "and [vb past] that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Suffering fever , blindness and paralysis , they reached Lake Tanganyika in 1857 but it was Speke who eventually found Lake Victoria and realized that it was the reservoir which fed the great river .
2 As the struggle progressed he came to see the inadequacies of the term and realized that it was too constricted in its meaning and gave rise to confusion and misunderstanding .
3 I saw no point in lying to an already acerbic-looking policeman , and agreed that it was .
4 Corbett stared at the hard-eyed French envoy and realised that it was impossible to press the matter .
5 He discovered that Bob was twenty-five , four years his junior , and realised that it was the first time since his brother Joe 's marriage , when they were seventeen and twenty , that he had had a companion of roughly his own age .
6 Summoned to collect a donation from an address on the east side of the city , a few days before the Election , I noticed a poster in the window , and realised that it was the home of a candidate ( now the Member ) for Leith .
7 One five-year-old , for instance , when asked to make one pile so it was tiv , picked up one coin from it , placed it between the two piles , and announced that it was tiv .
8 Meanwhile , the World Health Organization ( WHO ) called for US$3,000,000 to purchase medical supplies [ see also p. 38218 ] , while UNICEF advanced US$1,000,000 from its Emergency Relief Fund and announced that it was seeking a further US$5,000,000 to restore village water systems .
9 I took my revolver out of my pocket , and checked that it was ready to fire .
10 To us , the black laver bread looked dreadful , poisonous , but we understood and respected that it was something Welsh , something special .
11 When at last a waiter said ‘ Your table is ready , ’ Sara looked at her watch again and found that it was nine-fifteen .
12 In the opening decades of the 19th century Glasgow woke up and found that it was no longer an ancient market place reached by tree-lined avenues .
13 Euan MacKie excavated the platform and found that it was artificial .
14 He himself had received letters from all over England , seeking his advice on questions of conscience , and found that it was unsatisfactory for Anglicans to have to rely on Roman Catholic literature for guidance in such matters .
15 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
16 … we attended at the School on Monday the 17th [ July , 1833 ] and found that it was divided into six classes , the first being composed of three boys only whose study was the Classics , the second of about 20 who were instructed in the Latin Grammar , and the remaining four classes were composed of boys whose education was confined to Reading , Writing , Arithmetic , and English Grammar , in which instruction the boys in the two senior classes also participated . "
17 ‘ We should n't either of us have anything to regret , David , ’ she said at last , and found that it was true .
18 Joshi and Owen ( 1981 , pp. 106–7 ) studied the labour force participation of successive cohorts of women in Britain from 1950 to 1974 and found that it was motherhood , rather than marriage , which determined the length of women 's lives in paid work with Ms Average withdrawing from the labour market for seven years .
19 He tore it open and found that it was n't empty , just that the fine powder inside took up so little space .
20 She crossed to the door and found that it was unlocked .
21 Cassie picked it up and found that it was silk , with a bodice of handmade lace ; beautiful and expensive .
22 They had carried the body to the nearest house , and found that it was a good-looking young man about twenty-five years old .
23 I noticed this with distaste , and rejoiced that it was not the asparagus season .
24 I perused the beast and proclaimed that it was indeed a woolly mammoth , of the genus Mammuthus primigenius .
25 So he supported reunion with Methodists and believed that it was Canute-like to oppose the ordination of women .
26 Government recognized that nurses did not take strike action and believed that it was right to have a system of pay determination which meant that they did not lose by that policy .
27 I had already acquired the address from the ‘ yellow pages ’ and estimated that it was a ten mile drive , thus I gave myself half an hour to account for delays .
28 He named it ‘ nuclein ’ , and noted that it was rich in phosphorus .
29 I took myself off and got some decent therapy and learnt that it was OK just to be — I did n't have to do all the time .
30 But the council said the Government 's decision to repatriate had profound implications for asylum seekers all over the world and added that it was ‘ utterly appalled ’ by the action taken furtively in Hong Kong .
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