Example sentences of "and [vb past] he [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Suddenly the guy pulled a knife on the bouncer and stabbed him to death-right in front of my eyes . ’
2 It 's alleged that twenty eight year old Andrew Livermore of Northampton , went to the home of Digby Saunderson last August and stabbed him to death on his doorstep .
3 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
4 Bede perceived in Ceolwulf a love of religion and recommended him to Ecgberht , bishop of York , in 734 as a willing helper in the work of ecclesiastical reform and organization .
5 If you believe the Thames Valley CID — not the account they gave at the inquest , when the events were still fresh in everyone 's minds , but the one they came up with in the months following my return to this country — then having lured Dennis on to the river and dosed him with draughts of spiked bubbly , Karen and I went ‘ One , two , three ’ and heaved him overboard .
6 Mona asked what the dear child was burbling about , and led him to Bumface 's vacant chair by the fire .
7 Eva also insisted on Dad improving the service : she got him to consult esoteric library books early in the morning before work and asked him at breakfast , in a voice which must once have enquired of Charlie if he 'd done his technical-drawing homework , ‘ And what did you learn this morning ? ’
8 After two or three days I bought the landlord a carafe of his own wine — the mean-mouthed varlet picked a costly , unsealed jar , not the usual watery vinegar he served most of his customers — and asked him about Selkirk .
9 He was on Muizenburg Beach , then a popular resort , when a stranger came he up and asked him in Afrikaans ‘ Is your name Cranko ? ’
10 He needed this knowledge on the day a deaf house-painter called to decorate his house , and asked him in sign language which school he went to ( a conversational gambit which remains unchanged to this day . )
11 He returned to politics in the mid-1920s , backed Al Smith in 1928 and succeeded him as Governor of New York .
12 In 1882 , when he went to London to become Director-General , his brother James resigned from the Survey and succeeded him as Professor .
13 The son of Tony and Monica Dickinson , who respectively preceded and succeeded him in charge at Poplar House , Harewood ( not far from Leeds in Yorkshire ) , Michael Dickinson had ridden 378 winners in eleven seasons as a jockey before taking out a trainer 's licence for the 1980–1 season .
14 Edward II particularly profited from the almost unctuous service of Pope Clement V : he it was who absolved the king from Archbishop Winchelsey 's curses and from his own various oaths ; it was Clement who appointed Reynolds , the king 's chaplain and treasurer , to Worcester and translated him to Canterbury to the exclusion of the eminently qualified capitular candidate , Thomas de Cobham ; above all , Clement alleviated Edward 's poverty with papal subsidies .
15 Stockton police yesterday arrested a drunken man in Nelson Terrace and charged him with shoplifting .
16 Self-taught , he worked as a shipping clerk in Madras until the mathematician George Hardy saw his work and invited him to England .
17 So it was that as March 1981 drew to a close , Branson telephoned Rodney Birbeck , the editor of Music Week — the trade ‘ Bible ’ of the British record industry — and invited him to lunch .
18 In pursuit of diplomatic support , Baker met Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen at the UN in New York on Nov. 28 and invited him to Washington , effectively ending the diplomatic isolation of China by the USA in force since the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre .
19 The king succumbed to the pressure and dismissed him in May 1679 .
20 And leved he in time of blody kinges
21 It was held that the employers were in breach of their personal duty of care , as they should have told the plaintiff to test the sashes to see if they were loose and provided him with wedges .
22 Every morning I drove him to the hospital , waited for his X-ray treatment , drove him home again and helped him to bed .
23 Judge Peter Greenwood described Capper as ‘ a highly dangerous man ’ and remanded him in custody for a further medical report .
24 Later , as he rode home in the cool night air , a vision of old Bert 's delighted face as he presented him with the larger fish invaded his mind 's eye , and filled him with contentment .
25 ‘ The place that did give him a job was the Irish Catholic paper The Standard , which had a very funny editor who just liked to drink most of the day and was amused by Patrick and hired him as film critic .
26 A fifteen-year-old in grey flannel wandering around London in school holidays with an adolescent 's apocalyptic vision , praying that he would lose his virginity before the bombs came and blasted him to oblivion .
27 The next day Mary met Dickon as usual in the secret garden , and told him about Colin .
28 We sat in there with him and told him about school .
29 With everything ready , I telephoned Brigadier Catto in England and told him about Daffodil Quentin and the touching little scene in the winners ' circle .
30 Seb was out harrowing one of his own fields when the young stable-hand came and told him of Christian 's arrival .
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