Example sentences of "and [vb past] [art] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 And he commanded and requested the Christians that they should show great honour to the Moors , and respect them , and greet them when they met : and the Moors thanked the Cid greatly for the honour which the Christians did them , saying that they had never seen so good a man , nor one so honourable , nor one who had his people under such obedience .
2 The pain of returning circulation was violent , and for half an hour he bit his lips and clenched the muscles that still worked to keep himself from moaning .
3 Pak 's presence strengthened the argument for regarding the government as representing the whole of Korea and underlined the hopes that Korean unification could be achieved through a major rebellion in the south .
4 Kate said they 'd gone to the army display and mentioned the rations that were taken on Antarctic expeditions .
5 He was optimistic about the future and told the others that the politicians would be driven out after the war and the people would find their inspiration in science , technology , work and sport .
6 ‘ You would be a braver man than I am if you went into our dressing room and told the players that was how you thought of them , ’ said Robertson , rebuking the journalist who ventured the opinion that any squad minus nine of its original complement was necessarily sub-standard .
7 After cycling to various different parts of the village pretending to look for him , therefore , I returned and told the Germans that no one had seen my father ; he was probably out in the country on his bicycle but I had no idea where .
8 It was obviously a ploy on their part , because the Archbishop of Canterbury had investigated their disappearance and told the Iranians that these four men were dead .
9 He apologised on behalf of the organising committee that not all of the workshops were accessible to people with disabilities and assured the participants that any further conferences organised would ensure that this would not happen again .
10 The local authority , being anxious to place the mother with the children in a mother and baby home with a view to rehabilitation , sought an interim care order relating to both boys and informed the justices that it was their intention to keep the mother and children together for assessment and at the same time protect the children from the father .
11 Benjamin pulled me into the shadows as Mandeville came out to issue curt instructions for the dead sheriff 's body to be removed and informed the soldiers that he would stay at Templecombe for a while .
12 Despite the Depression , the family were well provided for , and spared the rigours that many others endured .
13 Ruth went down the stone stairs that curved to the ground floor and followed the archways that led to an inner courtyard that might have been uncomfortably hot but was tempered by a cool fountain that arced water over a frolicking marble dolphin and child below .
14 Titian 's inventiveness in subject matter and form is demonstrated in groups of works hung together , and his impact is registered in succeeding rooms less in obvious derivations than in the ways that other painters exploited and developed the possibilities that he had revealed .
15 ‘ You can see the animal again soon , ’ I promised the children , and kissed the ones that were still crying .
16 Rush is one of that group of people who coalesced in the early 70s and saw the signs that the tide might be moving in the right direction , and that they could influence its course .
17 Possibly because some of them might 've been councillors and knew the ways that sort of er things went on and how to get things done officially and above board .
18 His throat felt thick , so he just turned away and took the reins that Harper held ready .
19 Everett pointed out this was ridiculous , and reminded the comrades that management was everything , especially in a risk-capital venture such as this .
20 The enterprise failed , but in the course of its failure Swindin developed the ideas and learned the techniques that were the foundation of his success .
21 At the beginning of each week she read through the Radio Times and TV Times and ringed the programmes that she wanted to see .
22 The question before the Court was whether they had been automatically transferred in any case under the Business Transfers Directive and had the rights that the Directive confers — including rights for any recognised union to be informed and consulted ; the right of continued recognition of the union ; the automatic transfer of the employees ' terms and conditions of employment ; and protection against unfair dismissal in relation to the transfer .
23 Michael Feist Countryside special sites could be in open countryside away from Government policies concerning sustainability , I wonder how Professor Lock would see the situation emerging whereby a local authority has allocated a certain amount of land in its local plan for development for industrial or commercial purposes , it 's tried to erm identify a broad range of criteria but it also identified special sites erm which will only be released in exceptional circumstances , that happened to be an open countryside and had the advantages that it may be a little close to the A one or somewhere similar .
24 They watched the horses follow the tractor round the ever narrowing stand of corn in the centre of the field , and the tinkers who came to get work stood by with dogs and shot the rabbits that came surging out .
25 Something about its original vaunted status as a " Palace of the People " fired the imagination of anybody who came into contact with it , and overcame the doubts that its rocky track record as a business prospect might have occasioned .
26 ‘ So it seems , ’ said Cadfael , and eyed the bushes that encroached halfway across the path .
27 At the junction she turned left and skirted the walls that ran behind the houses .
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