Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 A PASSER-BY paid £4 to take part in a police video identification parade of a robbery was given the police photographer 's expensive leather jacket to wear and asked to jog down some steps and round a corner .
2 I hesitated for a moment on the stairs , turned round and tried to look at some of them , to see if there was a familiar face , a suspicious or suspecting face , a face I could place , a face that could …
3 It has always seemed to me that in pupils ' day to day work and more specifically in their exercise books , we have a reasonable body of evidence which can be evaluated , probably in the school , moderated , probably by other teachers and headmasters and allowed to count in some way towards the success of pupils .
4 He glanced up as she entered , gave a curt nod and began hunting through some papers with jerky , impatient movements .
5 A dark shape appeared in the gateway to the bridge , then turned and began to climb down some hidden steps in the wall .
6 He then walked into the small alcove of electronic equipment and appeared to fiddle with some dials and buttons until music suddenly blasted out a pair of wall mounted speakers .
7 I had been asked for a full text of the sermon , to be printed in the society minutes and had gone to some trouble to prepare for the occasion .
8 Her mother had reacted to the subject in a predictable way , and had expatiated at some length about the absurdity of taking a dress all the way to Paris and back for the sake of one evening 's amusement , but in the end she had consented to do something about it .
9 In 1959 Greece and Turkey had already drawn this conclusion , and had applied for some form of association with it .
10 Some of this fear he controlled , and had controlled for some time , by smoking the odd joint .
11 Later , I drove her back to the flat she shared and stood leaning against some rusted railings while she looked for her keys .
12 A few minutes later they had acknowledged Mr Bryant and his daughter outside their house , and then trudged home and stood chatting for some time on the doorstep .
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