Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [vb -s] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 — for information and advice on government and EEC grants to help you develop your business , please contact our Grants Advisory Service via your local branch or Business Centre .
2 There 's no telling how significant an upgrade we 're talking about here but the idea sounds nifty and Weitek has to redeem its Sparc investment somehow .
3 Aunt Carrie said Desmond is a real good worker when he 's on his own with his dad , and Dominic seems to behave himself at work , ’ said Joe .
4 Progress on the seaward drives of the running tunnels was up to , or ahead of , schedule and Eurotunnel hopes to meet its target dates in 1990 and 1991 for the meeting of the English and French construction teams in mid-Channel .
5 It can be adapted to clothing and Clarks intends to sell its expertise to the rag trade .
6 Slinkton is planning to murder her for the insurance money , and Sampson contrives to warn her of her danger during an interview on the sands .
7 Before Nina dies she and Gael again make peace , she repents her sins , and Gael vows to rewrite his novel .
8 Dulles in January 1956 had bemoaned British " coolness " , arguing that integration was so important that it would justify " some sacrifice of traditional US and UK interests to achieve it " .
9 The same door is then locked , apparently on Sir Ralph 's orders , and Geoffrey goes to rouse him .
10 ‘ Marlon , it 's a wonderful play for you , and Sophia wants to do it with us .
11 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
12 The best preserved of all , beautiful and often illustrated , shows Herakles supporting the sky while Atlas brings him the golden apples and Athena prepares to help them exchange roles.93 This comes from the east end and conforms strictly to pattern : figures ranged against the flat ground , in simple postures , frontal or profile .
13 So , some other understanding of alienation is required to validate it as the dynamic which establishes a proletariat and a property-owning bourgeoisie as Marx 's two antinomies predestined to engage in that life-and-death struggle ; and Marx seeks to provide it by postulating alienation as intrinsic .
14 A typical set up costs less than £1000 and MK aims to price itself into a new market between simple time switches and expensive custom-built computer-based energy management systems .
15 ‘ Perhaps she is a wealthy ward and Lackland plans to make her Queen of England . ’
16 The brilliant bravura variation when Kitri springs lightly forwards sur les pointes whilst fanning herself and Basil attempts to make his zapateado ( heel-tapping ) appear authentic by the slightly crouching pose of his body , add even greater panache to their efforts .
17 Guitarist has got together with John Hornby Skewes & Co Ltd and Roadrunner Records to bring you this unique competition : the chance to win an exclusive ‘ Marty Friedman ’ Signature model guitar from Jackson .
18 UHA and University House have suffered two sad losses during the year with the deaths of Arthur Butterworth , who was Warden 1968–81 , and Alice Godsell , a faithful supporter to many since her student days of the early 1920s , and UHA wishes to commemorate them through some lasting gifts in House .
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