Example sentences of "and [adv] that he be " in BNC.

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1 After two years , he was judged to have learnt sufficient skills , and was apprenticed to a Plymouth shoe maker who treated him so harshly and badly that he was re-admitted to the workhouse where he stayed until he was 19 years old .
2 Second , that he objects to the topicality of the subject that he 's chosen , and finally that he 's not , of course , at home writing prose .
3 How did you tell a man who had just expressed his undying love for you and his need to remain in your arms for ever and ever that he was separated from you by a distance of fifty years , and that only by some perverse and cruel trick of time had you been allowed to meet at all ?
4 In 1843 he declared that he was the Holy Ghost personified , and later that he was the prophet Elijah .
5 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
6 AS VOCALIST with Mudhoney , Mark Arm has proved conclusively that well-off , well-educated Caucasian brats do have blues to sing , and also that he 's the man best-equipped to sing them .
7 He knew that Sheldukher would not hesitate to carry out his threat , and also that he was far too intelligent to risk attempting to deceive him as he had Fakrid .
8 The man is a rogue , he stole from his own firm and now that he is serving time in Swansea Prison , I could never allow him near you , let alone marry you . ’
9 The Librarian has sought and received advice from the Research Management Group as to the value of these services , and now that he is a member , this valuable communication channel should greatly assist in tailoring the Library 's bibliographic services to meet the needs of research staff .
10 He was all over us last week , and now that he 's really needed , he 's nowhere to be found .
11 He had gone out for air while Mary reverted to her servant role , but an impulse had taken him much further than he anticipated and now that he was on the shoreline he knew that he had followed an instinct which was directing him to resolve this business with Mary .
12 When the place was up and running , with guests in all the woodland chalets and the cafeteria open until late , it would feel safe at any hour ; and now that he was no longer alone here , it seemed that way now .
13 He convinced VIPS , politicians and businessmen at home and abroad that he was an eminent doctor .
14 And erm he was still at them and then that he was in the right .
15 It seemed to Harry that there was nothing he could usefully say to this bewildering and terrifying man , and indeed that he was not required to speak .
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