Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [noun] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 Insiders say UBS fixed-interest staff have gone through a considerable shake-up in recent months and Ben Allen had been increasingly unhappy .
2 Their marriage was dissolved in 1938 and Ben Nicholson married the sculptor ( Dame ) Barbara Hepworth [ q.v. ] , but the eighteen-year working partnership that Winifred and Ben Nicholson shared was most fruitful for the development of their artistic careers .
3 By 1623 the disafforestment and sale of the woods and wastes of Chippenham and Melksham Forests had been accomplished : Bowood Park alone was reserved to the Crown in that part of Wiltshire .
4 Not only Michio Watanabe but also Koichi Kato and Hideo Watanabe had been accused of involvement in the Recruit scandal .
5 Donald and Sheila Baughan had been married for 20 years .
6 Neil Kinnock and Gerald Kaufman had been as busy on the thesaurus of outrage .
7 A JUDGE told a jury yesterday that it ‘ might have saved time ’ if evil Moors murderers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady had been shot .
8 Edgar and Isabella Linton had been invited to lunch , and their mother had agreed , on condition that her darlings were kept carefully apart from ‘ that wicked boy ’ .
9 Lord Wittisham and Miss Fenwick had been to collect some food — the quails I believe — and were passing in a donkey cart as Sir Thomas arrived .
10 Graham and Miss Gibson had been living at his house on the Riddings Estate in Scunthorpe but split up after a row on Monday night .
11 Mr Justice Otton was told they regretted helping to give currency to the allegation that John Major and Miss Latimer had been conducting an adulterous relationship .
12 Both Simon Draper and Ken Berry had been vehement in their opposition to Branson even contemplating rehiring Wilson , and advised him to now tear up the contract and be done with it .
13 The good communications between the firm 's Queensferry and Ayr plants had been more important .
14 To be deprived of freedom and of choice was the final fear , and Eleanor Thorne had been carted away like a splitting and discarded mattress beside someone 's dustbin .
15 Perhaps the only thing that Margaret Thatcher and Edward Heath shared was the same Rada voice coach .
16 Both David Whitaker and Verity Lambert had been captivated by Terry Nation 's Dalek story right from the moment they saw the first ‘ treatment ’ ( story idea ) .
17 I went for news again and this time was told that both my father and Dr Sambataro had been taken to the San Francesco Prison , a civilian prison in Parma .
18 His natural mother had been traced and Dr Hadjipapas had been arrested .
19 The two-mile ridge on which both Panshanger and Maran Hill stood was composed entirely of the same mixture , locally known as ‘ hoggin . ’
20 Once Nadirpur and Saint Julien had been introduced , everyone settled down around the large ‘ Ops Room ’ table while Brandy organised coffee and biscuits .
21 Earlier reports of such purchases by Iran from the former Soviet republics and North Korea had been denied on Jan. 8 by Iran 's mission to the UN Security Council The permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the UN , Yuliy Vorontsov , had made similar denials on Jan. 23 .
22 Yeltsin , who was due to make a state visit to South Korea on Sept. 16-17 , stated that all ideological ties between Russia and North Korea had been severed .
23 But after we 'd pulled over and Jeffrey Bernard had been unwell on the pavement , after the police car had been persuaded to leave us alone , and after we 'd finally got that hefty brute of a Bill Ellis Trophy fully upright again — in its carrying case and everything — I was at least able to start thinking partially straight again .
24 From their boat , they saw that everything on the island was entirely covered with fine white dust , like snow , and that the trees on the northern part of Krakatoa and Verlaten Island had been stripped of their leaves and branches by the rain of falling pumice , while those growing on Lang Island and Polish Hat seemed to have got away without much damage .
25 Before then the office came alive with two pieces of news : Sniffy Wilson had been captured and Marilyn Duxbody had been charged under the Obscene Publications Act .
26 More recently , in Mary Tudor 's reign , the family had come into favour at court because of its reputation for piety and loyalty to the Church , and Sir Gregory had been able to build a new house on the site of the old .
27 What psychologists George Sik and Stephen Smith found was that the person most needed in a team is older and more caring .
28 And Robert Urquhart had been shown to be lying to her about more than his affections .
29 Wilson therefore regularized a practice he had begun in 1964 when outsiders such as Professors Nicholas Kaldor and Robert Neild had been recruited into the Treasury , a practice which Heath had followed on a smallish scale .
30 This was an ambitious objective , but it was 1971 and Robert McNamara had been President of the World Bank for three years , long enough to begin to realize his goal of a leap forward in Bank lending that would take it from $1.1 billion in 1967 to $11.4 billion in 1980 , his last year in office .
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