Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [modal v] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bertram and Clarence would be classed as visitors as they come lawfully onto the land .
2 However , Schäuble said that any refugee who had arrived via a third country in which asylum could have been requested would be sent back , and that reciprocal expulsion arrangements with Poland and Czechoslovakia would be renegotiated to reduce the numbers of asylum-seekers .
3 All previous secret policemen in East Germany , Romania and Czechoslovakia will be conscripted into service as taxi drivers .
4 Mrs Rose Quinton now pulled out two stools from under the table and indicated that both Millie and Ben should be seated , and when they were , she stood before them looking slightly helpless but smiling now as she said , ‘ You have , unfortunately , already been introduced to my family ; at least , all except the baby .
5 The establishment of the Cambridge Board 's Rural Areas Committee in 1932 to facilitate its extended role in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire may be interpreted as a natural development of the UEMCC 's 1926 stance and officially endorsed by the 1932 Adult Education Regulations through the provisions for the appointment of Article 11 resident tutors in rural areas .
6 Trade between Leith and Hull can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th Century when the Hull and Leith Shipping Company was formed .
7 Subsequently , three themes of great concern both to the local population and to the political authorities in Smolensk and Moscow will be treated — taxation , religion , and cultural and political education .
8 Works by major artists such as Brueghel , Aertsen , Mor , Rubens , van Dyck , Jordaens , Snyders and Teniers will be shown alongside less well known artists such as Van Balen , Diepenbeeck , Van Thulden and Boeckhorst .
9 Bedrooms have a telephone and TVs can be hired .
10 Dairy Crest is due on the stockmarket in 1994 , and MMB will be abolished .
11 And McMenemy will be fascinated to discover how Gazza survives against the hatchet men of Italian football .
12 It expects it to sell better than the P5 initially and claims Hewlett-Packard Co , Acer Corp , Compaq Computer Systems Corp and DEC will be using it .
13 Fire stations at Woburn Sands and Wolverton could be shut down if county councillors agree to make cuts in the fire service.But the county says it is trying hard to avoid cuts in that part of the budget .
14 On 28 May , the DIA video gear arrived from Lebanon , and on the 29th , he flew home alone with it , having been assured that Mary-Claude and Sarah would be protected until such time as they could join him in the States with Mary-Claude 's sister Giselle .
15 Below , the islands of Rum and Canna can be seen and on the horizon to the west you can look over from the hills of South Uist to Barra Head .
16 Gandhi was right : for the caste system to go everyone must clean latrines , and Untouchables must be seen as Harijans , Children of God .
17 On top of that he and Newman will be seen soon in Standing Room Only BBC2 's witty series about football .
18 But , if this notable service is rendered by your lordship , it could be recommended that the Earls of Dunbar and March could be made hereditary Keepers .
19 Later this year a High Court judge will decide what information British Steel and ICI should be made to release about past emissions .
20 Celia and Rosalind would be arriving in a week 's time .
21 Gaps in photographic coverage at Logan and Younger should be identified for future schedules .
22 With over 60 per cent of the French market tied up between them , the Peugeot-Citroen group and Renault could be forgiven for thinking they had little to worry about .
23 The Airspeed Indicator and Altimeter will be scanned as required .
24 The plum tasks for which the Great and Good might be chosen are Royal Commissions or Committees of Inquiry , the device by which governments buy the days when faced with demands for change , political embarrassment , or questions too deep for quick political answers .
25 ‘ Managerially and operationally , ICI and Bio will be run as two separate businesses from the beginning of next year . ’
26 This has to be based on an understanding of the code of ethics , working to an agreed code of practice and so on , and Ann will be saying more on this .
27 Miles , Bell and Gregory may be getting older , but there is not a First Division club who would not move in if they became available . ’
28 Pluto and Dido will be closed by the end of March .
29 It was agreed that he , RW , and CW should be given advance warning of the arrival of new research workers , in order to assess requirements for space , laboratory facilities , library and computing services .
30 Morse looked at his watch : just after half-past six — and Downes would be meeting his wife at seven o'clock .
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