Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Those lenders who have announced their new rates are the Skipton which goes up from 13.4 per cent to 14.65 per cent ( 14.9 for higher risk lending ) from Monday and Stroud and Swindon which is putting its rate up by 1 per cent to 14.5 per cent immediately for new borrowers and from 1 November for existing loans .
2 Without the motor car in mind , I mean for instance , we had Oxford , Reading and Swindon it was suggested a few years ago , that they got together and formed the Thames Valley United .
3 The committee called in George Stephenson , Reid Clanny and Holmes who were working on safe lamps and ventilation .
4 In ballets such as Petrushka and Rodeo they are wandering around , watching and occasionally responding to the dancers ' efforts .
5 Then he nodded towards the senator and Chuck who were helping his father and Ngo Van Loc supervise the unloading of supplies .
6 The hat-trick of new signings are in the squad of fifteen to play Milwall — so out go Collins , Penney and Reece who 's injured .
7 But this does not diminish the British obligation to our co-signatories , and it is such states as Brazil and Venezuela which are pressing Britain to renegotiate over the Falklands , before more bloodshed occurs .
8 This was not much of a promise , and Acheson himself was coming to the view that the British deserved some further reassurance .
9 A similar checklist in the original report , showing companies which used five or more techniques , threw up names like Maxwell Communication Corporation which subsequently went into administration , Asda whose boardroom shake-up followed a £365m pre-tax loss , LEP which is now in the hands of a company doctor , British Aerospace which is about to undergo further restructuring , and Ultramar which was taken over after reporting losses .
10 Whereas mental handicap had revolutionized fairly quickly , for Friern and Claybury we were breaking this ground before the consensus had been reached .
11 Abbey Donalds spoke to Jeffery and Bungle who were looking forward to their stay in Oxford .
12 Tyson is hopping in the air ; holding her hand is Charlene the child-minder ; next to her is Pajah , Neneh 's Sierra Leonese cousin ; and Neneh herself is bouncing up and down , taking Tyson and bobbing the girl in her arms to the beat of the bass : ‘ Daddy Mac 's makin' ya jump , jump , Mac Daddy 's makin' ya jump , jump … check it outttt ! ! ’
13 The Doe regime collapsed and Doe himself was killed in September .
14 Such novels may not greatly dignify the world they describe , or even get it right ; but their fascination with the inner workings of an administrative system are ultimately reverent , and Snow himself was to end his career in London and not in Cambridge , where he had begun as a scientist : a peer and , briefly , a government minister .
15 And on the other from a conception of the built environment proffered by Wagner and Loos which was grounded in rejection of classicizing and historicist idealism .
16 Was it you two who were gon na go Scott and Rebecca who were gon na do the talk .
17 For example , if a package contains a particular module , regardless of version , then its manager is informed of all SPRs and SSRs which are submitted and which reference the module .
18 With Yevele and Wynford he was put in charge of repairs at Winchester Castle in 1390 , and also at Canterbury Castle .
19 I said , well , I said , If we do n't those bombers in and , and Spain we 're gon na get them over here .
20 Barth introduces seven correspondents , or rather reintroduces them since they are all figures from his earlier works , and Barth himself is projected into the fiction as an updated form of ‘ Mr. B. ’ , Pamela 's seducer in Richardson 's novel .
21 she did n't say well er my husband brought me here because it was a decision that she had parted , it was a choice she had made as well and so she , she excepts her responsibility , she excepts her blame and she goes to return so there was , there was this sense of confession and , and confession can be costly when we 've got to admit that I was wrong , I did wrong , I was mistaken , I went the wrong way that could be a costly mistake and , and , and er costly experience for us to go through , but surely the , the true sign of repent is that we do acknowledge our sin , we acknowledge our failure , that we acknowledge what it means to god , we ca n't shift that blame onto somebody else then also consider not just the cost that Naomi had to pay in going back , but also there was a cost for Auper and for Ruth as well as Moabias there would be little joy for them in Israel , they were foreigners , they were strangers , there would n't be much hope for happiness for them , there would be very little likeliness for them ever getting married in or remarrying er in , in Israel , they would n't be able to worship there own god , they 'd be taken from one culture to another , there 'd be taken from one language to another , what was it gon na be like for them , alright , perhaps whilst they were living with Naomi perhaps she could pull a few strings for them , but what happens when she goes and they are left by themselves and yet it would appear that with Naomi making her decision to return that they too these two daughters in law they decided to go to Bethlehem with her and it tells us that they set out together but perhaps they had n't thought it really through because their not totally committed to us and as they come towards the frontier and their gon na pass into in , back into Judah with their few miserable possessions that they 've gathered together , Naomi again considers the consequences facing these two young women , Auper and Ruth , they continued with her , as she pleads with them to go back home , Judah is no place for a foreigner , Judah is no place for somebody to come unless they are part of gods people , and I 'm reminded of again of what it tells me in , in the book of acts , that in the early church , that people were actually frightened , frightened to join with the disciples , they were frightened to join the church , there was no room for , for stragglers , there was no room for hangers on , there was no room for those who went just because they thought it was gon na be the next , the in thing to do , but folk were actually frightened of joining because they knew they had to put their lives right , they knew they had to live holy lives , they knew that god had to be lord and master in their lives and unless they were willing to do that and be committed to him they were actually frightened of joining and one of the great weaknesses of the church today is that it becomes and it can becoming our thinking and nothing more than just something we join , something we belong to , something we go along to er as like a club , like an association , but that 's not the picture we see it in the New Testament , it is a very exclusive body , it is a very exclusive grouping , a grouping of those who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ and that 's why not every body is a member of the local church , not every body who goes to church on a Sunday is a member of a church to Jesus Christ now they know if they are , but other people may not know , they know and the lord knows , I know if I belong to him and he knows if I belong to him other people may not , I can put on the act , I can look as though I 'm playing the part , I can go through the routine , I can , I can , I can fool every body , but he knows and I know , and he knows and you know and so Jesus said not every body who says lord , lord on that day will I acknowledge and recognize and so for Ruth and Nao er yes Ruth and Auper it was gon na be different of course for them as foreigners in Judah especially when Naomi goes and she pleads with them go back home , Judah is not place for Moabias , she knew what it had been like to be a foreigner , she knew what it had been like to be an alien land in an alien culture in a different religion with a different language she had known the bitterness of it all , she pleads with them go back home she prayers for them the lord bless you , the lord you know be gracious to you and so on , but they refused and again Naomi puts it to them , to please go back and Auper reconsiders and she takes the counsel and advice of her mother in law but no so Ruth and Naomi turns and says look your sister in law 's gone back , she 's gone home , you go as well , you ca n't do it , its a too greater price for you to pay , its a choice you must n't make , a decision you must n't make , your gon na have poverty , your gon na have loneliness , your gon na have hardship .
22 ‘ But we 've been with Terry and Tom who are held by Jihad Islami , yes ? ’
23 A bewildered and shocked survivor can be guided through red tape , and practical alternatives can be found , as in the case of Liz and Tom who were burgled while on Income Support .
24 Husameddin uses this statement to link Molla Fenari with the turbulent political scene toward the end of Mehmed I 's reign , writing that because of his predilection for mysticism ( with particular mention of the " [ Molla Fenari ] attracted the attention of the ulema and men of state , since there were those [ of them ] who saw the statements of Molla Fenari as influencing the actions and feelings of the Melamis and Hurufis who were making their appearance in the regions of Rumeli and Anadolu . "
25 In the following car were the Sheikha , her daughter , Hussa and Selma who were to accompany us to London .
26 There were thirteen members present , in the chair apology er apologies from Joe and Emily and Robert who were injured in a car crash on the way here .
27 With Fabien and Isabelle I was promised a family again . ’
28 It does n't sound quite so good when you put it at that sort of level , cause it puts a school at risk , but of course there 's no reason why a county council should n't borrow considerably more than this council does , looked at on accounting principle , unless I 'm wrong , and Mr I 'm going to call in a minute , will correct me if I am .
29 In Durham and Yorkshire it is known locally as the Upper Magnesian Limestone ( comprising the Hartlepool and Roker Dolomites and the Concretionary Limestone ) and the Kirkham Abbey Formation , respectively ( Smith 1980 ; Taylor and Colter 1975 ) .
30 On the one hand , coins can give us the only information we have about some buildings , such as the vanished Roman Temple of Augustus and Livia between the Palatine and Capitol which was restored by Antoninus Pius in AD158-9 .
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