Example sentences of "and [adv] find a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She rummaged around in a handbag as big as my trumpet case and eventually found a length of till receipt from a grocery store .
2 Finding decent practice facilities was a constant headache , leading to some crazy situations ; in St Vincent , for example , Ken Barrington , the assistant manager , hunted all over for a place for Boycott to practise , and eventually found a piece of flat ground near the airport which had ducks waddling around and a donkey at long leg .
3 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
4 Yet Martha was a woman of courage , and she succeeded nobly in satisfying her hungry lodgers with wholesome fare , and spreading for them sheets a prince might fold around him ; and though the body was often weak , the spirit was lively , and soon found a way whereby to mount with ease over any difficulty that might arise in the government of her household or the entertainment of her hospices .
5 Disgusted with everything , he tramped out beyond the town , near to where the public ash dump was situated , and soon found a scene accurately reflecting his inner state .
6 Scott switched on the radio , heard pop music , twiddled the frequency dial past classical and reggae and finally found a discussion programme .
7 The George Emersons now had two girls and a boy and were beginning to want a real home — somewhere in the country where they could take root and unobtrusively found a dynasty .
8 I hauled it when the weather permitted and invariably found a lobster or two in it , or even a fish of some sort .
9 We started at the old junction with the Cambrian Line , Cemmaes Road , and immediately found a problem .
10 That night I had a floating flying dream and , hovering in an upright position two feet or so above the ground , I remembered the caller 's problem and immediately found a solution .
11 It is important to identify why this occurs , and then to find a solution for each reason .
12 The simplest and safest response was to agree with him , and then find a way of doing what you wanted later .
13 Stirling had originally intended to skirt south of the salt marshes and then find a way through the mountains to Gafsa where American forces had been reported , but changed his mind .
14 You bolt on the tail and wings you 've been towing behind on a trailer , flip a couple of switches on the dashboard , and then find a strip of flat land to take off from .
15 Nevertheless , such is human weakness and the pull of gluttony that when no one was about , or I could ride the chiding of my family , I would creep into the kitchen , cut a slice of butter and then find a crumb or two to go with it .
16 Generally a supervisor will make an application to a research council , and get funding for a project , and then find a student . ’
17 Perhaps she started from the feeling and then found a correspondence for it in the outside world .
18 acted in a certain way and then found a reason for it .
19 Eliot asserts that it is perfectly possible to claim ‘ that primitive man acted in a certain way and then found a reason for it ’ .
20 At Hinde House we were aware of the changes inherent in taking all the proposals , concerns and issues in education , attempting a series of separate and discreet changes , and then finding a lack of coherence regarding the whole curriculum , with the added possibility of incomplete and ineffective curriculum change causing frustration amongst teaching staff .
21 It was a terrible time for the Orcs , who suffered defeat after defeat and never found a leader of their own to equal Sigmar .
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