Example sentences of "and [adv] they [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 And eventually they could be replaced by American products .
2 I think that was how they had to be , and they 'd be out in this very dangerous environment looking for food , and suddenly they 'd be aware that they 'd , the were coming .
3 I 've not had the experience perhaps of teaching so many dyslexic children to be able to comment on this , but certainly when I was making the videotape at Brickwall School and I asked the headmaster about that and he pointed to the fact that they certainly have a very wide intake , a complete social mix , and Professor Miles at Bangor University says that in his experience of dealing with dyslexic children they come from all walks of life , and it 's really quite inaccurate — I suppose there 's a sense in which , if we 've got to use these phrases , that middle class people have always been very concerned about the education of their children and so they may be the parents who will ask questions about their children 's lack of development , but I think it 's only , you know , more significant in middle class terms because of that .
4 But there is a bonus to that in that people hope that by testing their ideas about the uncertain physics , by building models of that early stage , that those models will have consequences for the things that get left behind in the universe for the present , and so they might be able to test their ideas about how matter behaves at very high density by using cosmology , and that 's very important because we have no other way of doing it .
5 And perhaps they would be now were they in a full democracy — one that embraced the interests and votes of all the citizens .
6 Your students will be prepared for each news item by structured discussion , and then helped with language and comprehension while watching ; after each item , they will practise and consolidate skills and vocabulary , through parallel reading and further exercises ; and finally they will be able to express themselves in follow-up writing tasks and communicative activities , such as making their own radio broadcast .
7 Erm , as I 've said there is a display there and Moat are here to ask ask ask as many questions obviously as you 'd like and hopefully they 'll be able to clear up any er , issues on the .
8 Mr. Beazley also relied on the general statements of principle in paragraphs 9 and 10 of the Peters case [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 quoted above , which he submitted echoed the general principles laid down in the Gubisch case [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4861 ; these are important principles , to which full weight must be given , but they can not in my judgment warrant the court placing a construction on the words of article 5(1) which they can not reasonably bear , and moreover they must be balanced against another general principle , laid down for example in Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schrôder , Mûnchmeyer , Hengst and Co .
9 The assumptions on which Modigliani and Miller base their model are very important and hence they must be described before proceeding to a formal development .
10 And now they would be dancing , as we said , dancing right down , with the elegance and economy of movement that only exhaustion brings , the careful and expert moves that only come at that particular time in the morning .
11 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary , and now they can be wholly in charge of this — they can change the layout of it as much as the words within it ; they can ask colleagues to come in and comment and even add a little bit .
12 Previously you could ask someone to type up first draft , second draft , maybe a third draft , but how far can you drive your secretary — and now they can be wholly in charge of this .
13 And well they might be .
14 They were a superstitious lot and tomorrow they would be fighting for their lives .
15 And surely they 'd be able to replace all the training programs stored in the computer , all the memory-recordings … .
16 And maybe they would be cowed not only by the discipline but by the man who wielded it .
17 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
18 Erm they 're in no hurry to join but with this second period er from September or was it October and erm once again there is this idea that , you know , the tide is turning and they , they will now join erm they wo n't find it so hard to join as the rich peasants but once again they 're not as enthusiastic and maybe they should be but they are , they are helping more but er er and this is the key er for which you know Mao talked about later is that we 've got to get the middle peasant actually actively involved
19 Crisps and cornflakes are cornerstones of the multinational mass market , and maybe they could be a route to worldwide understanding , but they have little to contribute directly to the second problem — that of the short-term habitat destruction , which is now a worldwide epidemic .
20 Can you just come back a little further and then they 'll be able to see , better if all round the side
21 ‘ The teachers do n't teach , the priests do n't bother , and they 're releasing all the lunatics into the community so they do n't get looked after and they 'll either pass out from exposure or starvation or kill people because they 're mad , and then they 'll be slung into prison to add to the overcrowding , and all in all it does n't make a lot of sense .
22 Er and then they 'll be saying how can you afford to go to Blackpool ?
23 So they 'll have the run of the place then and then they 'll be able to , be able to go in and out once they please I suppose .
24 Yeah , yeah and then they 'll be able to stay Joseph and Charlotte will be full time in January they 're allowed to , I think what it is , is , they 're allowed to start when they 're small part time but they 're not allowed to go full time until the term they 're gon na be five in and you see Charlotte will be five in March and because I think that comes before the Easter of the Bank Holiday , erm she 'll be able to start January full time , where you 're supposed to , you know , three years they 'll all be
25 And then they 'll be reproduced ?
26 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
27 And then they would be feeding the straw , making these straw ropes .
28 Let Ned Clarke deal with it and then they would be out of her life .
29 In th i in the old days when a firm would come along and pack everything , then they said that , and that was quite true , that they would pack everything and then they would be responsible if damage was done .
30 They could deliver a truce , they would deliver a truce , and then they should be spoken to .
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