Example sentences of "and [adv] i think it " in BNC.

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1 And so I think it is worth recalling what W.H. Auden wrote of Beerbohm in 1965 :
2 Well the thing is Howard , I do n't think you 'd have got very far if you had n't understood how we put the boat together and so I think it 's important that we look now into more detail at how to rig the Topper .
3 In the same way it is essential that we await the results of that questionnaire and that we discuss with the District Council the long term redevelopment of that airfield and so I think it would be more helpful in expressing our concern of course about the decision and version of it which I will admit came as a shock because my understanding was they would be there for two , three , or four years yet .
4 I 'm glad to say it got a thorough sort of leathering in the Lords , and so I think it 's rather premature for him to say that by fixing a budget we have belighted the whole police service in Wiltshire , for the next er , eight or whatever number of years he said , I think that certainly is rather premature .
5 And obviously I think it was a revenge job by the sound of it .
6 And also I think it 's high time you and I watched a bit more television . ’
7 And also I think it was at
8 And also I think it might be as well to have a pro forma .
9 And frankly I think it and I hope to God that John I d I know he does n't want to see it happen to him , I hope to God it does n't .
10 And now I think it 's time for you to move in . ’
11 erm let me consider first of all the minor claim , and here I think it 's only fair to tell you that I 'm not a palaeotologist .
12 Erm and then I think it was Andy actually who said that erm affiliation is something we could do with considering .
13 Yes , I think that as David said one of the things that we 've been working at very hard in recent years in teacher training is to try to improve the quality and the content of reading courses generally , and then I think it is also necessary to draw attention to teachers of this problem of dyslexia .
14 Well sometimes I think it does and sometimes I think it does n't .
15 It might be ( and indeed I think it would be ) an improvement in our law , if a release or acquittance of the whole debt , on payment of any sum which the creditor might be content to receive by way of accord and satisfaction ( though less than the whole ) , were held to be , generally , binding , though not under seal ; nor should I be unwilling to see equal force given to a prospective agreement , like the present , in writing though not under seal ; but I think it impossible , without refinements which practically alter the sense of the word , to treat such a release or acquittance as supported by any new consideration proceeding from the debtor .
16 Both musically and lyrically I think it sounds clichéd .
17 And yet I think it 's the English Commission that abolished the English loans .
18 you with me ? , cos I 'm having him going over my words , but I felt really guilty about that , because I , the thought that he was frightened of me shouting at him and yet I think it 's to do with passing over of all authority , I 've been teaching him , I 'm the one that does the words , not her
19 But as to what [ the gentleman ] observes concerning Stephen Duck , I am of Opinion , that it was not his Situation , but the Royal Favour , which gained the Country over to his Side ; and therefore I think it needless to paint the Life of a Person , who depends more upon the Curiosity of the World , than its Good nature
20 And therefore I think it can be applied in a strategic way and therefore is reasonable for inclusion within the structure plan .
21 Sorry , my my my other point is about about Ryedale , and and and its its and its its unde its relationship to Southern Ryedale , and erm Mr Smith said that erm as far as Ryedale Council are concerned they ca n't identify any more land within Southern Ryedale , well of course they would say that because was there position at the Southern Ryedale plan , but the fact of the matter is that there was a great dispute at the York greenbelt Southern Ryedale plan enquiry , revol resolving around the issue of what were the bits of the greenbelt which made up the historic character and thereby what were you left with that potentially could be developed , albeit it might be reserved as white land in the first place , but could potentially be developed , and a great deal of this land on the disputed side lay in Southern Ryedale , that in that in fact there was a view around the table not only sh not only shared by by the developers side , but erm that large parts of Osbaldwick and Huntingdon did n't fall within the definition of greenbelt as as set out by by the County Council in their N Y Two Two document , now that matter clearly has got to be something left to the Inspector and the Greenbelt Inquiry , but I think it 's fair to point out that there is actually a difference of view , so it 's not an absolute position , that you ca n't identify more land within within Southern Ryedale , and indeed , erm , not that I want to raise the Local Government Commission 's head again , but of course the Local Government Commission is proposing that York be a unitary authority expanded , and once Yor , if York does become a unitary authority expanded then some of these areas will fall within their area , and they may have a different view than er the Ryedale current Ryedale district council does , and therefore I think it is a little unsafe to take just at pure se pure face value , that there is no more land within Southern Ryedale that could be developed .
22 The District Council has accommodated the highest proportion of Greater York growth of all the districts surrounding York over the last ten years , and therefore I think it likely that it would expected to accommodate the largest proportion of the fourteen hundred dwellings that would be accommodated in the new settlement , erm I do not think that any of the settlements or that there is sufficient land within the Southern Ryedale area to accommodate that level of development without adversely affecting character of the settlements , or compromising greenbelt objectives , as I mentioned this morning , and also I question whether or not erm whether th most of the settlements in the Southern Ryedale area have only a minimal s minimal service base anyway on which to tack any large housing growths , and I do n't necessarily foresee any subsequent rise in the service base of those settlements as a result of the housing being added on to them .
23 Oh some marvellous performances in it , but really it was Joan Littlewood 's intrinsic concept which was miraculous really , that 's and really I do n't know whether the movie lost a lot as against the play — I think it lost something — the important thing was that millions of people who would never have seen it , had it remained purely as a theatre production , did see what Joan Littlewood had to say , saw her perceptions , her wit , her humanity , and therefore I think it was well worth making .
24 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
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