Example sentences of "and [adv] it [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 The stone did n't hit him and luckily it did n't come through the front window or something more serious could have happened . ’
2 No. 7 on your list may be from Russia : ‘ The bat can not see the sun , and so it does n't believe the sun exists . ’
3 And so it does n't matter how young we are , how old we are , it does n't matter what our background is , it does n't matter what our cultural experiences are , it does n't matter anything of the , of the outward about ourselves , every single one of us can be , and must be born again !
4 And so it did n't really make sense that when she lay in bed half an hour later , with images of the evening playing themselves chaotically in her mind , her mood was rather blue and wistful .
5 But it was a bit difficult for us , and perhaps it did n't really represent our sound .
6 Yet each time that third line came round the tune seemed to gather itself up and find new energy from somewhere , and perhaps it did n't fall quite so far each time in the fourth , and Tabitha was captivated despite herself , watching the pretty man play and wondering how he would end it , how he could ever resolve the disagreement between the rush and the ebb , until she realized suddenly that he had , with a quiet , lilting little rill that ran up and then down and flicked its tail and was gone .
7 She had dealt with a case of peritonitis in 1995 , and apparently it did n't work out too well .
8 What I do is I just get a bus at Hertford and walk to Hertford and normally it does n't take long it only takes about ten minutes
9 People promise permanence and fidelity , and often it does n't work out . ’
10 But it 's your last night , and maybe it does n't harm , once in a while . ’
11 They 're going to erm , they 're going to give the money towards running a forum , but not a great deal , and then it does n't even cost that much , it just really a question of erm , mailshots and twice yearly events or whatever .
12 So that 's , and then it does n't stops
13 And then it did n't start up till then till the second one came the Joseph Jo er The second one was John it was christened .
14 and , and if you wan na come home , there 's supposed to be a bus at half past four , and our lecture finished at quarter to four , so you like , three quarters of an hour to get to the bus , right , and then it did n't turn up .
15 Sometimes it works and sometimes it does n't .
16 Well it 's back to the old confusion again , that we 've got this stupid sign here which can mean it 's a negative number or it can mean take away , and sometimes it does n't really matter which way we look at it .
17 Sometimes it terrifies me because he 's not really mine and sometimes it does n't seem to matter . ’
18 and that 's why when we experience different people 's training you get different sort of views and feelings from it because their learning style is actually pushing through sometimes sometimes it suits us and sometimes it does n't .
19 Sometimes he 's alright and sometimes it does n't go very well .
20 Sometimes it works , and sometimes it does n't
21 As I say sometimes it was it was er it worked and sometimes it did n't .
22 Steamer sometimes anchored off and sometimes it did n't anchor there was too much wind I guess the anchor did n't hold too well when it was a rough day .
23 Sometimes it took hours and sometimes it did n't .
24 And there it did n't materialize as much as an advice service as a way of working together to solve the child 's problems .
25 GUIL : ( Does not move : thoughtfully ) And yet it does n't seem enough ; to have breathed such significance .
26 Sometimes I feel so strongly I want to do that — touch you — and yet it does n't seem like my idea .
27 I think , was it Colin I was talk , we were looking at a Porsche the other day , and he was drooling over this Porsche , and yet it does n't do anything for me .
28 I did have c a hysterectomy but er because there was a l malignant growth , so whether in you know I 'd done anything all those years and yet it did n't affect , you know it makes you wonder does n't it ?
29 She had avoided that word all summer , and yet it did n't matter .
30 They were both dressed the same , probably for the same reason , and yet it did n't seem to make any difference because all the action was in the eyes .
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