Example sentences of "and [adv] give [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the pope nevertheless steadfastly refused to give way , Henry intensified his attack on the church ; in the summer of 1530 he issued a charge of praemunire against fifteen clerics , including the four bishops who had supported Catherine , on the grounds that they had aided Wolsey in the exercise of his legatine authority and thereby given support to papal jurisdiction within his realm .
2 Yet another type of vocabulary can have difference in meaning for patient and nurse and thereby give rise to difficulties — words describing parts of the body , though having a particular anatomical reference , do not necessarily have that reference for lay people , even intelligent lay people .
3 He 'd once thought of asking one of the Venetz sisters out , but they were pretty well inseparable ; a turndown did n't worry him so much as the prospect of being accepted by one and so giving offence to the other .
4 Flu viruses are notorious for the ease in which they undergo such antigenic shifts , as they are called , and so giving rise to epidemics .
5 A tuberculin remains as a useful diagnostic agent for detecting the state of immunity to tuberculosis , and so giving evidence of the presence , or past presence , of the disease .
6 The insults or stresses which cause the imbalances and so give rise to disease can be of two types :
7 The best that could be achieved in western Europe was a dispersed defensive strategy which would bog down an offensive , in case of war , and so give time for negotiation .
8 Exercise stimulates blood flow to the skin and so gives rise to a healthy appearance .
9 We can organise meetings before matches , pass on information about ticket news and generally give people with no other contact of the club valuble and interesting info .
10 These paper notes , redeemable in gold or silver were transferable and thus gave rise to the use of paper money in England .
11 The negative sign involves a perturbation to 5 which reverses each tR , and thus gives rise to an oscillation with period 2tR .
12 In its extreme form , as enunciated by Brandon Carter , a cosmologist now at the Paris Observatory , it says that the conditions we observe in the universe must include the various electrical and gravitational constants that hold all planetary matter together and thus give rise to intelligent terrestrial life .
13 The rewards and their distribution become a part of the social order and thus give rise to stratification ( Davis and Moore .
14 He suggested that a tendency to report first the material entering the right ear might allow information from the left ear to decay in short term memory and thus give rise to the observed superiority of the right ear .
15 The ground was steep , and soon gave way to the cemetery .
16 This creates opportunities for accountants to act as experts , preparing a report on the subject of the suit or prosecution and possibly giving evidence in court as an expert witness .
17 For individuals requiring income , an investment in convertibles can bring a higher return than an investment in equities and still give scope for some capital appreciation .
18 More importantly , other studies have used higher doses of benzodiazepine and also given opiates before treatment , which is likely to explain the lower oxygen saturation values .
19 At St Pierre Park half of these memories are pre-programmed by the chefs , which means menus can be reproduced and also gives room for extra fine running , all at the touch of a button .
20 The booklet explains how to cope with intruders and doorstep callers , and also gives advice on unwanted phone calls , problems at work and violence within the family .
21 The main activity menu has a series of characters or objects that become animated if selected , and also gives access to the other five options .
22 Allen made his shop a centre of such activities , and also gave instruction in the use of instruments .
23 But thoughts of the administrative foul-up were far away last month when Mr Wright handed over Darlington 's peace offering and also gave sets of Kwik Cricket to schoolchildren at two Bridgetown primary schools .
24 This booklet contains the Parcelforce Code of Practice , and also give information about the insurance services that Parcelforce offers , for when you need to send something valuable .
25 It is essential for the efficiency of a modern financial system to analyse all the securities traded in it , since only then is it possible to determine whether securities are fairly priced or whether they are underpriced or overpriced and hence give rise to profitable trading possibilities .
26 Offensive odours which emanate from domestic or industrial premises can cause serious annoyance to persons in the locality , and inevitably give rise to public concern , spreading as they do in some cases over a wide area .
27 Moments of structural crisis in a nation state are harbingers of revolution and inevitably give rise to the necessary social and political climate for the production of revolutionary literature .
28 Somebody must have spotted a niche in the market to justify importing German chipped potatoes for instance , and now gives employment to clerks , insurers , salesmen here supporting German agriculture and food processors .
29 Fortunately some soldiers felt real responsibility for their officers and often gave gifts in kind if they did n't have any spare cash .
30 An award for helping to improve the environment and simultaneously giving support to a local hospice , has been presented to Stoddard Carpets Ltd .
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