Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cloud rolled effortlessly and relentlessly down the slopes of the volcano , spreading out into a broad fan which rapidly engulfed St Pierre , and in the next two or three minutes killed all but two of the population , and set the town ablaze from end to end .
2 The northern ( and earlier ) approach was by passes across the Ural mountains to the lower reaches of the river Obn and thence down the Ob Gulf by boat to the mouth of the Tazn which was ascended as far as a portage to the lower Yenisei ; from there they followed an eastward course up the Lower Tunguska river , crossing a portage to the Vilyui and so to the Lena .
3 They could make their way over that and eventually up the cliff to the eleventh green of the golf-course , to the gate in the garden wall .
4 An advertising writer , he 's energetic , articulate and presumably just the sort of person Labour say they want to recruit .
5 One of the members , who included seven householders , three servants ( presumably journeymen ) and a clerk , was Janyn Perowe , assessed at 40s. ; another was John Richard , a £10 man , and presumably not the labourer of the same name .
6 The features include a Progress Recorder , Attainment Levels , varying levels of difficulty and most importantly an ability to create your own vocabulary lists , and in different languages ! ! !
7 The salary would base as my basic salary plus commission plus bonuses on a monthly basis and most importantly the promise that because the basic wage was so low , the lowest in the golf industry by your own words , er that there was to be a rise of approximately four thousand in January nineteen ninety four .
8 Thus the level , and most importantly the change in the level , of any source of revenue should be set locally … ’
9 The enthusiastic first GP season in ‘ 88 brought crashes , world points and most importantly the attention of Toni Mang .
10 Parties losing ground in the elections were the Social Democrats , the Liberals , the Centre Party , and most dramatically the environmentalist Green Party ( MpG ) , which lost representation after falling below the minimum 4 per cent threshold .
11 A very new hook and most probably the reason for his arrogance .
12 In discussing arrangements he will be asked if he wants a clergyman to conduct the funeral service and most frequently the answer to this is yes .
13 This means keeping all the paperwork relevant to the successful candidate , including the job/personnel specifications , the advertisement used and most especially the notes you yourself made during the interview , immediately afterward and while making the final selection .
14 Robert Norster , national team manager and most definitely a product of the new enlightenment , ventures to hope that at last it is changing .
15 The task is by no means easy : not only are there the writings of Marx and Engels and then later Lenin , but also the revisionist writings of Berstein , Rosa Luxemburg and most recently the critique from within the Marxist camp from people such as Althusser and Kolakowski and other Euro-communists .
16 West Belfast 's Job Training Programme is managed by Worknet , an agency which also runs four Job Clubs , an enterprise training programme called Your Business Opportunity , and most recently the community employment agency .
17 Heat the thread of the bulb very carefully to melt the glue , remove thread slowing drawing out the filament , do not break the electrical or filament will , just wo n't work pour the liquid into the bulb and slowly lower the filament back dipped in some .
18 Mr Chairman erm I would like personally take up a suggestion that was in The Star about the possibility of a regional company being based at the playhouse in other words for a few months I would see it as people getting to know this company and rather like a repertory theatre of old then people would want to come and see these people in different roles and I think that would add to the you know repetitive .
19 And right now the drama exploded back into her mind , in vividly awful detail …
20 And right now the term competitiveness is used to basically get by safety regulations and anything else concerning safety .
21 Had any ancestor of mine been minded to donate works of art to a national institution , he would have chosen a museum or art gallery and assuredly not a university .
22 They gazed in wonder at this goddess , and suddenly even the boil on her nose was no longer a blemish but a badge of courage .
23 Since the progress zone 's existence is dependent on a signal from the ridge , removal of the ridge results in the disappearance of the progress zone and so effectively the clock in the cells is stopped permanently .
24 In order to buy the oil off us , they had to pay sterling and so hence the demand for sterling goes up and suddenly we were viewed as a very rich economy .
25 At one point he talks of the extension over time of ‘ a personality ’ rather than of ‘ a person ’ , and might have said that , even if the general knew what he did as a boy , it could be nothing to him , no part of his adult conception of himself , and so not a matter for guilt or blame .
26 G. On the western lowlands Chester ( 58 000 people ) is a central place where the Romans and the Normans defended what was once the lowest bridging point over the River Dee and so also the route into northern Wales .
27 Corinne Gotch , Booksellers Association marketing executive and NBS committee member , commented : ‘ Fewer booksellers are taking part , and so clearly the sale needs to be re-examined from both a bookselling and publishing point of view to see what can be cone to encourage greater participation . ’
28 So I took the name and address and so eventually a summons came through for this old lady .
29 Erm , yeah we , we did take direct action and so eventually the ad was dropped , but if we 'd just complained and not taken any action the ad would n't have been dropped .
30 Alternatively the mother may not offer the food quickly enough and so eventually the child loses concentration and interest .
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