Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
2 Scotland was still a divided and badly governed nation and David thought that progress to a well-ordered State could be achieved most quickly and effectively by an extension of Norman influence .
3 The immediate reason for not using Labov 's concept is that the vernacular must be an idealization — on a par with other idealizations such as dialect or speech community — and so as an idealization it must be inaccessible in practice ( recall that you do not observe the language : you observe people talking ) .
4 It 's certainly something of a treat to have three such delectable instruments to look at , and so in an attempt to be logical I 'll examine the T4-SB four string first , then the five and the six last .
5 At the age of eleven I became an errand boy for a working tailor , and every Saturday , and perhaps on an evening in the week , delivered the suits and costumes that he had made , though often the finished article was well behind the promised date , so the errand boy received critical comments rather than a small tip .
6 At that moment , and perhaps for an hour afterwards , I was on Cloud Nine — in a state of happiness , contentment , euphoria , joy and utter peace such as I have never experienced before or since : everything is all right , an inner voice said , and everything from now on will always be all right ; how wonderful to know that life can be like this .
7 A single Troy ounce can be beaten into a sheet a hundred feet square and only of an inch thick .
8 She felt depressed , and only with an effort was she able to chat to Matt with any degree of cheerfulness .
9 It is due to a more far.reaching failure — the failure to conceive the full meaning and possibilities of national education as a whole , and that failure again is due to a misunderstanding of the educational values to be found in the different regions of mental activity , and especially to an underestimate of the importance of the English language and literature .
10 Occasionally , and especially in an area of scattered settlement , buildings which still survive can be identified in the tax returns .
11 ‘ I have a lot to thank Nigel Mansell for and obviously as an Englishman I know what sort of pressures there will be on me .
12 It is extremely light , low cut , very wide fitting — the widest I 've ever found for a long time — and together with an EVA insert into the sole unit , gave me very comfortable walking .
13 It was recently transferred to Gloucestershire and elsewhere in an attempt to instigate an embryo transplant programme .
14 And that goes back to what I said earlier , in that we just do n't see ourselves working internally , in meetings , in negotiations and report binding , with erm , with other officer 's , we see ourselves as a vocal point to get in information out , to , to people , erm and working with people , erm , and that 's erm again a major part of the work we do and just as an example of something that we provide , this is erm , this is the hidden divide , the bulletin of Harlow 's Anti Poverty Strategy Group , this is the latest edition , and it 's just an update on erm impact of eh living in Britain in nineteen ninety one today , the people who are on low income , but we , we 've produced that quarterly , erm , but there , we produce loads of leaflets , were always producing leaflets , and basically if there 's a major piece of legislation there be , there be something worth getting use on it .
15 Table 5.8 Percentage of ‘ severely disabled ’ elderly people ( a score of 6 and above on an index of functional disability ) a by age and type of household
16 She was seated in her chair like a cold stone statue , her face turned upward and away as an indication of her contempt .
17 Thus , the fringing reef would be changed into a barrier reef and finally into an atoll if the island subsided completely .
18 Chlorinated organic solvents pose a particular threat to groundwater quality because they can penetrate quickly and deeply into an aquifer as a dense plume if spilled in significant quantities , and they then dissolve slowly into the groundwater .
19 You have , by nature , a great deal of common sense , and should life become unexpectedly eventful of confusing , the important thing is to meet things head on with Capricornian determination , and always with an eye to the long-term future .
20 Through Basil 's inspiring courses teachers began to develop a genuine educational commitment and always within an atmosphere of personal fulfilment and happiness .
21 Sometimes he would secretly watch other eagles whose territory he had trespassed over , to learn from them the art of quartering back and forth over an area to find prey and flush it out
22 There was an ugly scuffle , Finn slipping back and forth like an eel , a laughing eel , for he kept on laughing .
23 The increasing affluence of the rural population wrought by the urban middle-class exodus has tended to mask the continuing and severe pockets of poverty which exist in the countryside and has led the ‘ problem ’ of rural housing to be regarded less as a problem of social welfare and more as an issue concerning land use planning and countryside preservation .
24 The first is that of the relationship between theory and practice , about which much has been heard since the Second World War as higher education has been used more and more as an entry route by professions seeking higher status .
25 According to Bulpitt , ‘ in so far as monetarism was associated … with ‘ arms ' length ’ , anti-corporatist government , then … the statecraft ( of monetarism ) must be viewed as less a radical break with the past and more as an attempt to reconstruct it' .
26 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
27 He was behaving more and more as an autocrat , The State of emergency inherited form Mossadeq had been lifted only on 1956 .
28 It is difficult to resist the conclusion that it is Parliament , not the law , which is in danger of looking more and more like an ass .
29 And the après ski is less like a Martini commercial and more like an episode of Colditz .
30 He despised homosexuals , and although there were plenty of other sexually depraved aristocrats around at the time , he was unfortunate enough to have married into a family ( the Montreuils ) who had strong court connections , and it was they who made sure that he was jailed , partly to get him off their backs ( so to Speak ) and partly as an example to others .
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