Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After you finish your first tape can we rewind it and so we can all listen to it and then rewind it back so they do n't
2 Well absolutely , I mean we 've got together a little earlier this year to make sure we did n't have the same problem as last year , and obviously that 's a good thing to get all the problems out of the way so early and so we can all plan ahead for next year without facing any problems that , you know , just before the season starts like we did this year , so altogether a good thing , yes .
3 as I say although , erm we 've not been the government has n't yet got an airport policy , it has got an airport policy and it 's by the white paper er and so we can then say things that are not true .
4 And so nowadays , with the advent of high-speed telecommunications , satellites , and the formation of the World Met Organisation in particular , we now get the information that I 've already mentioned all over the world , very high-speed arrangements , and so we can now study the atmosphere all the way across .
5 And so he can still express his aspiration towards that " wholeness " in terms of a unifying Schopenhauerianism .
6 Chain , which was introduced in 1811 , could be stowed in a small damp locker and so it can almost be said that chain cleared the space needed below for engines and coal bunkers .
7 ‘ Get it down you and perhaps we can both get some sleep .
8 In summary , we do not know and perhaps we can never know if babies experience pain as the word is understood by adults .
9 After that , life becomes more complicated , and perhaps I can best illustrate some of the points involved by taking a number of books from my own bibliographical collection listed on the following three pages :
10 The erm safety on the transport yes I mean I am very happy to say that we will ask the , the staff to look at that and perhaps I can just clarify the meaning of that paragraph ah in four point eight when it says a m a new member of staff it means a new member of staff will be responsible for health and safety not just one person on his own .
11 Remember that you are your own best critic and only you can finally decide what it is you wanted to say .
12 They 've developed a camera for your line for th for the mackerel , for the ma marlin and the shark fishing erm and basically you can actually watch you can , you can ac you 've got a your T V screen so it , it 's er , it 's like a spectator sport as well cos you can actually watch the , the , the fish coming to take your bait .
13 " I do n't see how it can be a trap and anyway we can always run . "
14 There is a bad reason for thinking this , which involves taking the regress as temporal ; before I can justify A , I have to justify B and C , and so on ad infinitum , and thus I can never get started .
15 In view of the abrupt falling on in the numbers of husbandmen above £20 , plus the fact that this figure coincides roughly with the wealth of the average yeoman , farmers assessed at and above it can pragmatically be counted as yeomen .
16 And finally I can just look at erm draft planning policy guidance thirteen , it is very easy to lift one or two sentences out of either the draft planning policy note , or indeed the Ecotech report which underpins it , erm , I think if a full reading is made of that , what comes across strongly in the research is that there is a very complex relationship between urban forms and transport patterns , and indeed erm I think the advice in P P G , er draft P P G thirteen is prefaced with a note that erm , transport issues are , will be erm , there are very few general principles , if any , and local er considerations will influence the er the importance of this iss issue very considerably , what I think draft P P G thirteen does invite us to do is to more overtly look the transportation implications of alternative settlement patterns , and that 's all .
17 You may not be insured for theft or malicious damage by a lodger and usually you can only claim for theft if there has been a forced entry from outside .
18 Some buyers prefer the grease to be left lying thickly on the grain and the flesh of the leather and t so that it will gradually be absorbed and also they can then brush it up when they have got the goods , when they are making it up in their workshops .
19 Thus I might argue that to know you must be certain , but that one can never be really certain and hence one can never really know .
20 We 've got a very good set up erm my mechanic Mick Day is coming back again tomorrow ; I 'm picking him up from the airport , so that 'll be three years with him and erm I can rely on him to sort of get things ready and erm you know , we 've got a great set up and really I can just concentrate on trying to be erm world speedway champion this year .
21 Nobody cared and now nobody can even see clearly in Los Angeles where twenty-eight days spent in the city constitute a health hazard , and smog from car exhausts hangs over the L A basin from the San Gabriel mountains to the ocean .
22 She dedicated her song to all the boys who had really regretted doing it , all the men who have ever said , naming no names , it took ten years of my life , and now I can truly say that I never want to even talk to him again , never to see him .
23 and now I can never get enough
24 And now you can easily spot the best quality Scottish salmon by looking for the tartan Brand Quality Mark .
25 As it gets slower and slower it can only carry smaller and smaller particles .
26 And then we can just saunter back here , how about that ?
27 keep the bills down there and then we can just write it on there
28 Yeah short which is what you suggested get this plane from and then we can probably er
29 Well maybe we should leave this till after the open day , and then we can really concentrate on it .
30 Yes , I mean my view is that we put it out for members we see what the uptake is and then we can always look at the list and ring certain other people
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