Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 erm We park appallingly carelessly , some of us do it intentionally very often , some of us do it innocently or probably ignorantly , and perhaps to be fined on the spot would be a way of saving an awful lot of paperwork , an awful lot of time , and perhaps reminding people that they should n't be doing these things although I 'm always slightly worried , this is in a sense another problem , I 'm slightly worried by , by the inequity that six pounds or whatever it is will mean a lot to one person and hardly anything at all to another , and you do see some cars mis-parking again and again , and I 'm not sure that erm the instant penalty would make much difference there .
2 Two rash tackles , one at the other end by Mike and now one at this end in the Shrewsbury with it was certainly Shrewsbury penalty goa erm penalty was won , Blackburn 's was as well .
3 In any month in the 1840 's and '50's there were rarely more than live contracts settled up and the figure was usually two or three and sometimes none at all .
4 The fact that Mangon fully deserved his title of Wizard of Lighting was of minor importance to the Girls who , due to his perfectionism , often only had a few hours ' sleep in their dressing-rooms , and occasionally none at all .
5 All sound mystics insist that the experience of the divine has nothing whatever to do with emotion and certainly nothing at all to do with physical sensation .
6 This had , and George Eliot knew it , little or even nothing to do with Christ 's injunctions to his followers , and certainly nothing at all to do with the Incarnation which was now being celebrated as the congregation sang " Unto us a Boy is Born " as Daniel at the white-draped altar , with its lovingly embroidered white cloth , watched with Mr Ellenby over the bread and wine .
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