Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 They use them as stamps or cutters with dough and clay , but in conception they were intended for sorting and matching and thereby to link in with games and toys .
2 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
3 Along with the bruises , I was left with the problem of what to do in the Grand Final , and eventually came up with the idea of a prop stool which would collapse at the touch of a button and jump up again on its own .
4 Bernie obviously worked on the idea and eventually came up with a much cheaper and more simple solution which would provide the investigator with a moving picture of the basic flight instruments during the period leading up to the crash .
5 The two of you — and your lawyers — will look at your financial position , at your wife 's , at how long you 've been married , whether or not she 's working ( and if she is n't , what sort of work she 'll be able to find ) and eventually come up with a sum which is supposed to be fair to both of you .
6 The lagoon between the bar and the land is colonised by various types of marsh vegetation and slowly fills up with a mixture of sediment and decaying organic matter ( Fig. 8.18C ) .
7 It was bulky and badly tied up with paper and string but Sarah did n't need to feel it to know what it was .
8 He 'd loll in his chair as he was doing then , and suddenly come out with some remark that made everyone else uncomfortable .
9 Horses and litopterns happened to exploit four-legged galloping , and so ended up with almost identical legs .
10 Kangaroos happened to exploit two-legged hopping , and so ended up with their own uniquely ( at least since the dinosaurs ) massive hind legs and tail .
11 It is my belief that anorexic speech ( or , more literally , behaviour ) consists of two quite separate and often contradictory texts , and that it is only by studying them both , in order to fit them together and so come up with an amended text , that we can understand what is going on inside the anorexic herself .
12 I wanted to be accepted by those around me , and so joined in with their stories of soldiering , sex and drinking prowess .
13 The most common problem for men is to develop too much lower pectoral muscle , and so end up with a ‘ droopy ’ looking chest .
14 A wife can be busy bunging up a family and so taken up with their affairs that she fails to give her husband real attention .
15 And perhaps come up with four or five answers four or five questions not answers
16 She 'd be able to think more clearly if she was away from Eastlake , and perhaps come up with the answer as to who was behind these menacing notes .
17 If she economized , and perhaps moved in with William , she could probably last for longer .
18 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
19 The world will applaud , and rightly press on with the lifting of sanctions .
20 Keep both legs taut and straight and gently push up with both arms .
21 Hair has been set and gently combed through with fingers .
22 Mhm , and generally buggered about with .
23 It is simple work and easily got on with .
24 On November 8 , 1983 , a masked gang forced their way into the Brinks-Mat warehouse at Heathrow and coolly made off with 6,800 gold bars worth more than £26 million .
25 could n't help thinking if it was modern day a woman that 's manically depressed dreamt that , dreamt she had , she was definitely mental , she would be stuck in a a mental home and just kept under with er
26 I spent a lot of time listening to records and just hanging out with friends .
27 Someone nicked Brix 's earrings and this lad just walked up and grabbed Mark E Smith 's beer and just walked off with it and Mark was juts like making out like he thought it was really ‘ cool ’ being robbed by these street kids , these really horrible street kids who were just ripping the piss out of them … ‘
28 If some interviewees left everything to you and just came up with standard answers and showbiz cliches , Bob Monkhouse was not remotely in that category .
29 I want to go home and just get on with playing football now . ’
30 Then I acclimatise myself and just get on with things .
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