Example sentences of "and [adv] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yes and eventually Shirley and I thought , well I mean , we spent weeks grouting , we grouted and we grouted and still water was coming through and we grouted and at last it seemed to be dry and the man came and did the re-artexing on the insurance and I had wa new wallpaper put up , for which I paid extra because he only allowed eight pounds a roll , the insurance company only pays eight pounds a roll and I had eleven pound wallpaper and a border and having got the whole thing up the s the patches have appeared again !
2 Nevertheless , some 730 ‘ cables ’ had been transmitted over the line and so Field and his colleagues had proved that a transoceanic cable was not only feasible , but could also take a great deal of traffic .
3 ‘ I want to speak to you two in private , ’ he said , and so Joe and I left the pub and walked home with him .
4 The initial mass audience had obviously loved short films and especially comedies but there had never been that much attention given to content as novelty value guaranteed that every film would made money .
5 off the wall to do summat and just re-cement or something so I 've got ta wash my toothbrush , and tooth and wash my face in the kitchen sink .
6 There are more students in higher education in South Korea and soon Taiwan that there are in Britain .
7 And gradually dust or you 've seen these er chemist shops where you 've got lots of er drawers in .
8 Moreover , Dorothy 's Englishness was centuries old : among her cousins was one Charles Talbot — ‘ one of the Shakespear names ’ , she said — who owned a medieval abbey , ‘ and once Ezra and I crawled over the roof in a turret to see a copy of the Magna Charta , kept there in a glass case ’ .
9 And you 've been in a scenario where there 's one manager and there 's a few people who are n't in a managing role , but you are actually managers , maybe they 'd like a little reversal , I mean , I think some good things have come out of that , and possibly things that you 'd do better next time .
10 Now let me tell you ’ — the finger was wagging — ‘ Andrew has been brought to the limit of his patience by your attitude and unwifely behaviour and your lack of understanding with regard to his feelings as a father . ’
11 Sadly I think that our time has run out for this particular session , but I would remind you that the seminars this afternoon , erm , are , offer other opportunities to explore both some of the issues that have been raised er , through your questions now , and also others that you may wish to raise , er , with the members of staff , the leaders of the groups .
12 It is worth avoiding official-sounding phrases such as ‘ marital status ’ , ‘ length of service ’ and also slang unless it is really likely to be helpful .
13 Moving the special report , Section and Industrial Conferences and also President if I may , at the same time , moving motion one one one A on behalf of the C E C , rather than returning to the rostrum a second time .
14 The helical angle varies between about 6° and about 30° but what is really remarkable is that the direction of the twist or helix — which may be either right — or left-handed — is always the same in any one tree .
15 ‘ It 's late , and about time that I went to bed .
16 Now what they 're saying is that , what they said is activist action learn best when they get the opportunity to experience new sort of problems , situations , opportunities when they 're doing something quite new when they 're sort of involved in very much you know here and now activities when they 're sort of like business games , exercises , role plays , team tasks that they can sort of get you know really get involved with themselves then there 's lots of action and they 're quite short and sharp , so can move on to something else .
17 And now Martha and he were united in a strange fellow feeling , which neither of them had expected , and which they had to shake off with difficulty .
18 The three droves sent on as presents to Esau have reached him , and now Esau and his four hundred men are within sight of Jacob and his little entourage .
19 Here the schools and particularly Bologna and its students , as well as the judges scattered throughout Europe , began to take an interest .
20 People seem to want health economists , up to a point , and even epidemiologists because they boast a set of tools to offer managers and doctors for opening what you called the black box .
21 You can use Symphony for letters , invoices and even reports but it would not be my first choice !
22 I mean we have to work very hard in our own er relationship we 've had our ups and downs we 've gone through many difficult times like unemployment and even homelessness and you know we we 've gone through it but when you make your promises you say you 'll stay together for richer for poorer in sickness and in health and so on .
23 Lesley and even Emma and I are being seen as lads , unfeminine , trying to be blokes .
24 Days and even weeks after he was beaten by Conservative Michael Bates , he found it difficult to discuss what had happened .
25 For example , the researchers set up the apparatus hours and even days before they took the final readings .
26 And tomorrow night and she just said , fucking said
27 Future tapes will provide information on wine and then meat and it is intended that ultimately all specialist areas will be covered . .
28 took the kids up a couple of times and then Mick and I have been up there with the
29 I was ordering it when Becky told me , and then Becky and she said
30 If you do not provide the information requested for registration , this could lead to a fine of £50 in the first instance , and then £200 if you still do not comply .
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