Example sentences of "and [pers pn] come [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 Erm and I came up with this bit , sort of the middle bit , national curriculum levels would be er your own thing right ?
2 Well , I do n't know what she might have told you , but I racked my memory and I came up with a name .
3 I 'll buy you an ice — nothing flash , mind — and you come up with some answers .
4 As long as you use the ones on the sheet and you come up with the two selection menus .
5 Go through the You take the book home , and you come up with ideas for the next meeting .
6 ‘ You go in with a whole lot of money and you come out with a whole lot of junk .
7 I mean I know it 's obviously , it , it 's got to be summed up and if you 've got five inputs and you come out with one answer , you are not going to get the inverse of this one out .
8 ‘ We send you out to buy sandwiches and you come back with a hostage ? ’
9 ‘ If I were coining it down in the bull market , ’ I reminded him , ‘ and you were my oldest friend and out of work and you came up with two corking girls like that , I 'd be honoured to pay the bill . ’
10 And she come here with these people from London , she had a good place with them , plenty of good food and everything .
11 I know she only sent eighty five pound the other week , Monday afternoon , one afternoon , and she come out with three pounds , eighty three pounds .
12 ‘ She was however keen to see her grand-daughters at Christmas and she came up with this solution . ’
13 And she came up with all sorts of things that she would like for the the new Wandsbergh development .
14 Well I remember Jackie telling me , she came back from sh she came up to meet me in London one day and she came up with the woman , a German woman , who at that time was a buyer for Army and Navy er women 's fashions and this woman said that the model girls who are so thin she said they 're always bursting into tears and crying because they 're under such stress to keep their weight down and their boyfriends do n't like it because the girls are are lovely to have on their arms to take out , you know everybody sort of goggles , you know , lovely slim girl with yellow half way down her back etc. but , in fact , these girls get very , very ratty !
15 So then I saw Mrs Irwin on Tuesday when I was in and she came up with all sorts of things that she would like for the new development .
16 And she came up with a list which are pleas from the switchboard supervisor .
17 The friend was erm pushing her , and she came home with a big bump on her head
18 And they three came out with honours and she came out with a commended .
19 The Feldwebel agreed and she came back with three large bowls of hot pea soup .
20 ‘ I forgot to tell you earlier , but Betty was in Seabourne yesterday and she came back with news that might be important .
21 There was another woman who was a real fighter and she came in with me as quietly as can be — perhaps because I looked so young .
22 And she came in with and it was bad enough him going off and leaving her , erm without her finding this as well .
23 One of them goes abroad all the time and she comes back with some great stories !
24 Hannah does that a lot , right , she goes to America and she comes back with an American accent , she goes to Scotland , she comes back with a Scottish accent , oh
25 Luckily I had a friend who had run the photo lab at Time magazine who was working with me on the technical side and we came up with this idea of trying to use Fujichrome 1600 .
26 And we came away with a true understanding of the value of the estuarine habitat .
27 out for me and erm , when he went in on Monday , erm it was the other one the lad that actually owns it , so I was in there for about bloody half an hour and we came home with some samples and one that I quite liked it was up on the wall and he said that is my best selling Axminster that I had , and it was like , it was maybe it was a bit too busy , it was , it was greyey and it was all different other colours in it , but it was a lot of flowers on it , it was n't a traditional Axminster you see Mike loves these traditional Axminsters and he does n't really , he wo n't really entertain anything else , erm , anyway I brought that sample home and what else ?
28 It is not too much to say that we entered the conference in the law and atmosphere of the 17th century and we came out with a fair prospect of 20th century conditions . '
29 Er I was in the market and we came out with a machine that produced lager from top tap worker .
30 I went to Africa in '88 to find a diversification and we came back with this idea .
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