Example sentences of "and [pers pn] would rather [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Better stop and walk to the Post Office Sorting Office — the light is closing in and I would rather do the mile there and mile back in daylight .
2 Because you will all suffer so much and I would rather suffer myself than have anything happen to you . ’
3 I must explain that I do not like combined heater stats ; in general I find that the heater part packs up within a year , as , regrettably do modern heaters , and I would rather throw away a £5 heater than a £10 plus heater stat .
4 Yeah a lot of people do that , they , I mean , go on the train shopping do n't they , I know a lot of people who are and I would rather sit ten minutes or twenty minutes .
5 and I 'd rather make it , it went all the way up to there
6 I would n't be seen dead in a navy suit and I 'd rather give a peck on the cheek than a mock-male handshake .
7 I have to admit I 'm not as eager to give money or pictures , say , to a Carnegie Museum as to a Museum of Modern Art , and I 'd rather give to the Museum of Modern Art than the Guggenheim Museum .
8 ‘ I 'm not afraid of falling off , look you ; I love riding , ’ cried Deborah indignantly , ‘ and I 'd rather go home on horseback than by car .
9 What we need is to find a safe place soon , and I 'd rather succeed in doing what we can than fail to do what we ca n't . "
10 I presume serfs are still living there and I 'd rather break in than see innocent people die of hunger while — ’
11 I erm , and I 'd rather take Caroline because I think it would be good for her to have
12 I do n't want to spend too long — there 's a lot else to do in London and I 'd rather have the autopsy before I ask too many questions .
13 ‘ I sometimes use an ambient mic on guitars , but I find that it can make things sound a bit too boxy and I 'd rather have the choice on the mix if I want to add a bit of ambience .
14 And I 'd rather have coffee than tea … ’
15 And I 'd rather have the things I used to see than your phoney talk any day .
16 Yeah see I 've only got like erm two quid on me and I need to get home tomorrow and and I wo n't have anywhere to stay cos Dan and Honey are n't going and I 'd rather stick with them and Emma and Nick and just go back to erm Nick 's house
17 So I said I did n't want to deal through somebody who was n't really gon na be fighting in our corner , and I 'd rather put a paper to their committee an and tell them where the problems were , and ask how they were gon na get round them .
18 And I 'd rather use newspaper now rather than use use erm
19 And she 'd rather jump on a pony and go !
20 Denmark 's a prison and he 'd rather live in a nutshell ; some shadow-play about the nature of ambition , which never got down to cases , and finally one direct question which might have led somewhere , and led in fact to his illuminating claim to tell a hawk from a handsaw .
21 He said he knows the market 's low and he 'd rather wait .
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