Example sentences of "and [pers pn] would also [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As the Right Honourable Gentleman is aware , our top priority is to get inflation down , and I would also hope that he would be aware that the aim of doing that in the longer term has to be by making the price of money more expensive .
2 Another neglected master emerged on three LPs of Piano Sonatas by Harold Truscott , played , as in the Founds , by the indefatigable peter Jacobs ; they revealed a muscial thinker of a very high order who has been , and still is , cruelly ignored by the muscial establishment ( again , I understand that John Ogdon 's recording for Altarus of Truscott 's Tenth is due for release soon — and I would also make a plea for a re-issue of those other Sonatas on CD : they are contrapuntal masterpieces , sometimes witty , often beautiful , and they ought to be much more widely known ) .
3 And I ca n't say I have the slightest sympathy for them , and I would also guess that you were one of those caught with their financial trousers down . ’
4 And I would also draw attention to a particular consideration namely that between the outer boundary of the greenbelt in that corridor and the area of outstanding natural beauty of the Hills , there is very little distance .
5 And I would also like to add yet another ‘ reason ’ to the already formidable pile , which is that Stavrogin intends a ‘ challenge to society ’ .
6 ‘ I am grateful for the support given to me by the London Fire Brigade and I would also like to thank the Fire Brigades Union . ’
7 I was very pleased to see your interview with Nick Bollettieri about Andre in your December/January issue , and I would also like to say that I agree totally with what the other people who wrote to you said about Andre .
8 sustainability , viability , as in a conceptual sense , and I would also like to suggest that in pushing this discussion forward we ought to bear in mind the , how shall I say it , the principles as espoused by the Department of the Environment in their planning policy guidance note three , er and in particular those spelt out in paragraph thirty three .
9 ‘ I am grateful for the support given to me by the London Fire Brigade , who have done all they can to help me over the years since the fire , and I would also like to thank the Fire Brigades Union for underwriting the risks of my legal claim . ’
10 And I and I would also say that if if
11 Mr Chairman I believe I have the floor and I would also say that contrary to what we 've just been told there are people employed by what was called and three to four hundred people are employed , they 're not effected other than fifteen people , fifteen people were not effected by this statement and there are some hundred and eighty people who still work for and connected with the project .
12 And I would also support Mr Potters in the addition of the under-used term would I think be beneficial to the policy .
13 And I would also point out that we are not proposing excessive development , in one of the papers I 've I 've put round , and I repeat the point I made it earlier .
14 Er most of my points have actually dried up now , sir , in view of what Mr Cunnane has said , and also Mr Jewitt , erm I do actually , I would try to emphasize a point that the people who are proposing new settlements in this location have judiciously avoided the question of need this afternoon , well I think we we almost came to the point this morning that the shortfall was nine hundred and reducing almost on a month by month basis , er one or two quick points I would like to pick up , er in view of the erm small nature or the shortfall in housing supply that we see over the next fifteen years , I can not accept that to avoid the new settlement option would be prejudicial to greenbelt objectives , erm the housing land supply allocations are almost there , there are plans to run through which will un almost inevitably allocate additional sites inside the inner edge of the greenbelt boundary and outside the outer edge of the greenbelt boundary , but both within Greater York , which are bound to assist in making up the shortfall of provision , and probably , if I suspect rightly , would actually exceed it , erm erm I agree with Mr Cunnane on the question of the alternative expansion of existing towns or settlements , the same point really , we 're almost there anyway , the op that option is already there , it 's not that it might be there , it is it is there at the moment , er it 's not a clear expression of local preference , and I would also point out the option of the environmental improvements under the P P G criteria you asked us to look at , erm whether it 's a thousand houses , two thousand , two and a half thousand , whether it has a bowling alley , or a ten pin bowling alley , and a B and Q , and a , probably a Tesco as well , this form of development will not sit comfortably in open countryside , almost , wherever it 's put within the Greater York area , I defy anyone to produce a site where one can satisfactorily put er such a massive form of urban development and suggest it 's a positive environmental improvement .
15 Wh what you 're also saying is , is right though , that within that the danger is that inequalities get too great and you would also need a set of policies which would stop that inequality .
16 Yes , we would like to er certainly see er training become compulsory with trustees and we would also like to see er guidelines set er for that particular training , so that train so that the trustees within all schemes would receive similar training , rather than piece-meal by one set of actuaries or another set of actuaries .
17 One witch said , ‘ It is a powerful tool in the occult and we would also warn anybody who does not know what they are doing to stay well clear of the ouija . ’
18 It was the start of a beautiful friendship — Schisgal was to become godfather to two of Dustin 's children ( Jacob and Rebecca ) some years hence — and they would also form a long-standing working relationship .
19 Well the reason why we were attracted to it was of course the very point that that they would translate the disks for nothing , we would n't have to type out the register , and they would also add the telephone numbers without us having to look them all up so that we could do telephone canvassing .
20 At the beginning of the school year , Mr Bailey , the head teacher , would remind the staff about various rules at the school and he would also give us his view about clothes .
21 Hamlet is up against not just a man , but a king , he will have to strike when the king is unarmed , And he would also have to be able to explain his actions , and yet even his mother does not believe him , but only see him as mad
22 The completion of this work would increase the convenience of searching the General Catalogue for researchers and save them valuable time , and it would also create savings in time for Library staff .
23 It would partly alter the definition of rape or serious sexual assault ; it would introduce an element of negligence liability ; and it would also make D liable for an omission .
24 This would , it was thought , avoid difficulties which might otherwise arise through local authorities failing to co-ordinate their activities , and it would also make the system more intelligible to the general public .
25 and it would also enable you to quickly and easily do something on the erm on the , on the private functions night to make it look different .
26 The difference yields a political meaning , in other words , and it would also appear to relate to the old theory of the difference between an author who tells and an author who shows , and who employs a medley of voices in order to do so .
27 That would cost you a pound and that would give you some cash , and it would also look good , and what is it a pound fifty you 've got to pay ?
28 environmental constraints if the organization is big enough to qualify as strategic , and I am really concerned about the planning er application in which I know that Da Professor Lock is interested that I think developments of that scale have nothing to do with the employment needs of the district , that they would in fact involve bringing in large numbers of people from other areas who as I have said before , might appreciate jobs nearer their present places of employment , and it would also unbalance the Harrogate housing market and put on pressure for more land to be taken in and around Harrogate for housing for the people who 'd come to that development .
29 There would be enough celebrities to keep the guests guessing … and it would also allow her girls to mingle unnoticed in the crowd .
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