Example sentences of "and [pers pn] 's [indef pn] that " in BNC.

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1 and , and it 's one that I think is , it is a priority one for addressing , I think we should ask Trevor er and An and Andrew , t to draw up if you like details of the whole of the costs of the overheads within this organization .
2 But you 've raised a very valid point and it 's one that we need to see through to the end .
3 And it 's one that needs sort of a bit of thinking about , and again tie it back to the everyday things that you know quite a lot about , electrical appliances , things like that .
4 Erm , that can not be done overnight , and it 's one that clearly needs to be looked at and , and managed and the care needs as stated in that management .
5 The second fact issued before us and it 's one that I referred to er when we did it , debated this last time is that if members do take seriously the whole question of
6 My audition for Leeds was a sight reading job and it 's something that you get from drama training — work that helps you cope with the sight reading at an audition — yes .
7 I do n't think they view it as a dead happy , enjoyable , fun thing and it 's something that that they do if you say , is really serious and
8 And it 's something that can be avoided so easily .
9 It seems to me , and it 's something that I would contend even now , that it 's not actually the role of university Drama Departments to teach practical Drama .
10 I mean , a lot of these grants go sporting wise , very few are arts type grants , and it 's something that a lot of people participate , and a lot of people get pleasure out of .
11 All domestic policies will have international implications okay , and it 's something that er , governments tend to erm , sort of over overlook when they 're arguing the agriculturalists case in , in GATT .
12 and it 's something that I I I like the idea of
13 There 's the firstly that of young children , and it 's something that I remember putting a motion to in the last administration about a creche or whatever or looking into this facility , in the fact of erm , trying to encourage more people with young families to erm , actually get involved in local government and politics .
14 I understand it 's run into some difficulty but I urge the minister to press the commission to get a move on because this this is a problem that does n't just affect this country , it is certainly a problem that affects the whole of Europe and the European union in particular but also the the er the whole of the world and it 's something that needs international action .
15 and it 's something that as a company erm we 're very careful of .
16 But I thought that erm barn dance or something like that would be favourite cos it 's not too expensive and it 's something that everybody can muck in on .
17 A little while ago , we heard about something called AIDS , and it 's something that 's terrified most of us in one way or another .
18 Erm it maybe that in this alteration the erm it 's worth just spending a minute on whether B eight should just be kept out of the frame for the moment and it 's something that gets dealt with at a later time when more policies are in play .
19 Now as someone who 's taught at other institutions — I 've taught at the University of Kent and at Middlesex Polytechnic — I think I was aware of the level of harassment which erm was there in those institutions , there certainly was sexual harassment , it certainly was a problem , but I have to say it did n't seem to me to be the problem that the students have identified it as being in Oxford and I think that 's striking and it 's something that erm as tutors and as a university we really do have to think about .
20 So that we 're prepared within the Rural Housing Trust to look at all these ideas , and we 've been looking at the whole question , we feel that this has got to be one for the planners , the planners must be involved in identifying where these problems lie , they 're not uniform , all across the country , er and it 's something that er we therefore need to use the planning er scenario entirely and fully in order to identify where the problem lies .
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