Example sentences of "and [noun pl] which [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If you provide information about your organisation the teacher will be well enough informed to be able to detect those areas and activities which will be of value .
2 Section 0610 provides comprehensive listings of the contents , conditions and definitions which might be found in a heads of agreement letter .
3 Thirdly , there are their personal qualities , which refer to the various personal ( and social ) attributes and attitudes which may be relevant to a particular job and which emerge from references , ‘ biodata ’ ( i.e. biographical information ) or during an interview .
4 Compact aims to raise students ' awareness of the importance of basic skills and attitudes which will be required of them when they leave school for work .
5 These national criteria have been designed in connection with the new General Certificate of Secondary Education and are intended to ‘ offer a concise account of the understanding , knowledge and competences which should be developed in the course of following the syllabus ’ .
6 A ley , by definition , is a temporary sward of chosen species of grasses , clovers , and herbs which may be designed for a short or long term .
7 And in itself , that creates in the other party , whoever it is you 're trying to er to influence , their responses er , and reactions which will be positive to yours .
8 The second half of the book identifies suitable materials and yarns which can be utilised with additional ideas and tips for designing and finishing woven items .
9 During these early years children form attitudes and perceptions which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will serve them in years to come .
10 These commands are used to define geometric entities , that is points , lines and surfaces which may be given symbolic names .
11 Nevertheless , as this case illustrates , there are certain minimum findings and reasons which must be stated so that the parties and the appellate court can see how the justices have approached their task .
12 A comprehensive and fully illustrated hard back book on ‘ The Technique of Lace ’ takes a look at a wide variety of lace patterns and designs which can be knitted on the Japanese knitting machines .
13 When the number of new writerships , cadetships and surgeoncies which would be required became known each year , the total was divided as evenly as possible into thirty shares .
14 Terry Heneaghan , Pittencrieff 's chief executive , said he did not look at the deal in terms of oil or gas production and reserves which would be acquired , but rather in terms of cash flow which could be generated for his company by rationalising operations of the two companies in parts of the US where they both have interests .
15 Using computer equipment supplied by Digital , the students will design their own ‘ pop art ’ by scanning in images and pictures which can be manipulated on screen .
16 Some consist of a simple bowl with a lip , over which the water trickles , while others come in sections of varying lengths and shapes which can be joined together to form complex arrangements .
17 PASS ( Programme Analysis of Service Systems ; Wolfensberger and Glenn , 1973 ) evaluates services in terms of how far they comply with appearances , practices and settings which would be valued by the rest of society .
18 But in our rushed , modern lifestyle we often rely on convenience foods and snacks which may be lacking in proper nutrition .
19 If it is absolutely impossible to carry on with one 's own job or profession in spite of all possible adjustments and adaptations which can be made , there are two possibilities : ( 1 ) to use one 's skills and experience through a different channel , or ( 2 ) to retrain for something quite different .
20 The precise foci of Stage II of the research will be settled on toward the end of Stage I in the light of the ideas , analyses and opportunities which will be available at that time .
21 A contentious issue within the trade , relevant to our enquiry , was the growing problem of ritual slaughter required by orthodox Muslims and Jews which must be undertaken by special religious functionaries like the Jewish schochet .
22 Two key classes of molecules are nucleic acids and proteins which will be described much more fully in Chapter 5 and can be largely ignored for the present .
23 Hence , regulations confer individual rights and duties which must be respected by the courts of the member states .
24 The Graphics Library , provided with the package , contains a collection of illustrations , signs and typefaces which can be loaded from disk on to the page on which the user is working .
25 However , the structure of attitudes does not only comprise the explicit justifications and criticisms which might be advanced by the attitude-holder .
26 Consequently , the implicit features are not the fully formulated justifications and criticisms which can be produced to deal with present arguments .
27 Classrooms as such tended to disappear ; they were replaced by areas and bays which could be used both for informal workshops and for formal teaching .
28 There are many words and phrases which can be put into this category in English , and many different ways in which they can be classified .
29 The research carried out so far has established some useful ideas and models which could be more intensively investigated and has established guidelines for future clinical trials .
30 A scheme is under way to rebuild Llangefni Town Hall to include a store and areas which can be used by the community .
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