Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [adv] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Public subscriptions provided a replica of Davies 's statue in Barry Docks and his now stands at the end of Llandinam Bridge , in sight of his former home .
2 Edith 's in love with her husband but it 's a boring love , nothing exciting ever happens and she probably goes to bingo .
3 And she finally ends by saying , ‘ All I can look forward to now is the toneless drone of the master 's voice and the pendulum swing of his leg over the desk . ’
4 like , she 's coloured right , but she 's a bit portly and she just smells to be quite honest !
5 And she just writes over them in , in pen !
6 and you go to her and she just looks at you like , I 'll come , and you go , and you go closer
7 She know that and she just seems to be like a vicious circle all the time , I mean she does n't , I mean just getting deeper , deeper into debt .
8 erm , have a talk and a laugh and she just stops for a coffee after
9 He still finds her extremely beautiful and she practically apologises to Pip for all the suffering that she put him through and tells him that she hopes they will still be friends ‘ apart ’ .
10 Since then her work with the band has taken her on a Scottish tour which included the Edinburgh Folk Festival , and she also performs with the four other ladies who make up Belfast 's first close-harmony vocal group ‘ Cuigear Ban ’ .
11 Juliet Chamberlain , who shares the ground floor with her husband , also exhibits local scenes as well as evidence from both parties of the Upton Grey couple 's recent trip to the Far East , and she also has on display a wealth of floral studies in pastel .
12 I mean Julie works out there and she rarely goes in there .
13 And she actually goes off the it 's on e every hour at least
14 Chloe Joe has obviously had some terrifying experiences , and she certainly needs to be ‘ de-sensitised ’ to every sort of household noise , family and friends .
15 That lack of sensitivity has not made her especially popular in the locker room , but she has nevertheless gained enough respect to be selected to the board of the Women 's Tennis Association over many years , and she currently serves as its President .
16 And she still runs in manic circles round her ADULT children , which many professionals of different disciplines and styles here find totally bizarre as she approaches seventy !
17 Although her mum was upset and her dad was cross they did n't chuck her out but have been very supportive and she still lives at home with her two-year-old son .
18 So it , then I had erm , I brought up my husband 's sister 's daughter from when she was fourteen , I brought her oh , yes fourteen , I brought her up for nine years and br brought her up as my own daughter like because she got , got to be put away in a home and I did n't want her to have to go into a home so I , I brought her up you know we brought her up and sort of as , I lost my little girl she was with me like , see and she still comes to me like , she still calls but she calls me mum , mother like now , ha , you know all those years I had her , she 's married and her family 's grown up now and er she 's got one daughter left , left at home who 's just got engaged that 's Mrs from er she lives , yes so , so that was my hubby 's er sister 's daughter she only had the one daughter and two brothers , but she , the brothers she do n't hear nothing of them they just , you know they were gon na put her in a home , but we took her so she did n't have to go in a home , I did n't want her to have to go in a home
19 But she has eased away and stands right in front of me , as close as you can get without touching , and her teeth are clenched and she almost glares into my face and her fist punches against my stomach as she says , ‘ Listen , you , ’ like it really hurts her .
20 She cycles four miles every morning to ride out with us and she always arrives before anybody else . ’
21 And she always stays in that .
22 More than once she has been asked , without prior warning , to sit down there and then and play an instrument — usually for a film sequence — and she always complies without a flicker of nerves .
23 Waley 's book is mainly based on documentary sources and he wisely concentrates on the period after 1150 , when sources begin to be copious .
24 Professor Camille has thoroughly enjoyed himself in looking at such images , and he skilfully shares with us his delight and enthusiasm for what he has found .
25 ‘ All the facts seemed to fit and he even looks like Ben .
26 He is an active member of the World Wildlife Fund , completely untouched by Central Television 's exposure a few weeks ago , and he carefully disposes of his old sump oil .
27 Since 1979 Brian has managed to combine all his other duties with that of being a Cheshire magistrate and he also serves as chairman of the Cestrian Trust for kidney dialysis .
28 For instance , if the patient likes gardening , it is useful to be able to kneel to reach the ground , and he also has to be able to get up safely .
29 and er he saw the , he was with Trigger he says , he says keep calm , drinking calm , were in here my son , right , and er its the bit where he 's leaning on the bar and the bloke lifts up the bar and he just folds like a tonne of bricks sideways
30 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
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