Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll usually tell me what 's wrong — and them I have to decide what to do about the problem . ’
2 Krishna and me we do like monkey .
3 Erm and I I 've requested an application form from the City Council for a demonstration for the big box pile up on the twelfth of February .
4 All right well look I I you 've er sort of selected and I I 've got no problem with that although schools er I would have thought was ideal for as well as medical .
5 And I I 've got a letter from the Department of the Environment and the Home Office saying that , er and th and because of that it 's taking them this long to actually get these byelaws effected .
6 and I I 've thought about it and I 've thought about so many of them today I ca n't I 'm getting confused at which one it is .
7 Firstly , erm , issues of principle , and I I 've outlined those in item nine one six , and then acquainted them with the Lincolnshire situation , special things that we thought applied in Lincolnshire , that they ought to be aware of .
8 Er but er this is the position as it is now and I I 've taken the conservative position as always .
9 What they were based on , and I I have to say it though , that since poverty in all its forms has proved an intractable enemy to us , and given the limited Council resources that were available , plus the Government , which has consistently attacked Local Authorities and made financial constraints upon us almost impossible to operate , we have we recognise that to analyse the job in hand , first of all we needed an accurate picture of need , we needed to share the commitment with the workforce of Council and all those in partnership of consultation .
10 Quite , and I I have got a high proportion of of staff and you ha you will have a a low one would you
11 But I think a lot of them were genuinely concerned , as in my case I think this person was genuinely worried about me because I 'd had , it was my third child and I I do think she was er worried about me because er you know you do n't want to keep having babies and losing them but I was n't worried about , I was worried about myself , to say I was n't worried that 's stupid , but er we just hoped and hoped and kept hoping .
12 Of course I accept that ruling entirely Mr Deputy Speaker but the point I was trying to make , I am going to give the speech very briefly indeed I do assure you , is that if you 're trying to assess the numbers er and the correctness of the numbers that are being er er going to vote for and indeed the boundaries associated with those numbers , it 's a perfectly I would have thought , fair question to ask oneself as they go off er from us as to what they are going off in to er and I I do assure you Mr Deputy Speake , I do n't plan to speak more than two minutes , two to three minutes on this matter , I do hope that you will allow me just to make a very brief point on this .
13 My second point , and it refers to again er something that Barton Willmore referred to and that 's the question er an engine of growth , and it seems to me that that that such a settlement would become an en engine of growth in in the countryside , not least because of of the it would become self fulfilling , er and it would be the obvious sort of sink hole , as Mr Thomas said , for for subsequent land allocations , I think , erm this this point has been touched upon by both the representatives from Leeds City Councils and from Cleveland , Leeds City Council appear not to want it in the Leeds York corridor for just that reason , the representative from Cleveland , who unfortunately is n't here today erm does n't want it in the North of the county for for what I understand to be to be that same reason , erm and the Inspector at the Stone Basset erm enquiry in Oxfordshire , and I I do refer th to this in my evidence , he he drew a very similar conclusion about this when he said , and I quote , once destep once established the new town would generate a momentum of growth that would be difficult to contain , such growth , if allowed , could further harm the rural character of the countryside and the villages in this part of Oxfordshire , I think that conclusion can be applied to North Yorkshire , and I certainly have n't heard anything that would convince me that that such growth once it started could could be controlled , and indeed the the record of controlling growth against erm projected requirements in the structure plan to date has has not been good , witness earlier comments on the structure plan overshoot .
14 Aha for the studio theatre to be dark t during the autumn and I I do regard the studio theatre as the frenzied heart of a theatre and I have enjoyed many of the performances very much and I just hope very much we can just get some more money from somewhere carry on I
15 The other concern in the City Council 's evidence on H One er is this issue of distribution , I note Mr Davis 's comments about the difficulties of subdividing the Greater York allocation between different districts , and I I do acknowledge the difficulty in relation to Harrogate , and particularly Hambledon which obviously has a very small proportion of Greater York , on the other hand both Ryedale and Selby do contain a substantial proportion of the Greater York population , er based on my calculations of their er proportion of the population of Greater York which admittedly is a somewhat crude way of of doing estimates , but in the absence of of any other projections that was really the only way to do it , my estimate is that the er compared with the nine seven target of County Council would take in the could potentially be seen to be taking a share of four thousand two hundred in Ryedale and seventeen hundred for Selby , if you base it on their existing population distribution on er part outside the city , now I 'm not saying necessarily that 's how the way you would do it , but I I think it 's an indication that the scale of development in those two districts is quite significant in Greater York , our concern is that the policy as it currently stands does not give any real guidance as to the way in which distribution of development outside the city , but in Greater York , erm can be er should be di divided up , and I think the problem really occurs from the introduction of the new settlement into H One , erm I do n't want to stray into the H Two debate Chair , but I think it 's the fact that H One does include a figure for the new settlement , that the new settlement is not located within any particular district , but that all the district totals do include in effect a figure which is undetermined at this stage , that that would be absorbed by the new settlement , as I understand the policy at the moment , and I think that really does introduce a problem , erm because clearly all of the emerging districts wide local plans could be in conformity with the structure plan and not include the new settlement , I think it 's er interesting to note that the the D O E's recently published a good practice guide , on development plans , did particularly highlight the situation in Greater York , as a problem , as a shortcoming of the existing plan , and if I can just quote it , it does say this , on page forty three , it would seem appropriate for broad locations of new development to be established by means of an alteration to the structure plan .
16 I do have some sympathy for cou councillor I do know this area and I I do know the traffic problems there and and we do really in the long term need to do something about it .
17 And I I do believe that the Roman boats had two .
18 If you and you you 've chased your tail .
19 Erm at present you are employed by and you you 've got own you 've got a company car .
20 and you you keep saying she was seventeen , she was sixteen was n't she Angela ?
21 Every time I do a stall I I quake in my boots up until I do it and then I feel great when we 're doing it and afterwards realize that it 's been productive and we we 've had a good lot a good response from the public .
22 It it seems to me we 've spent about an hour and ten minutes or so almost shadow boxing over this particular policy erm and we we keep running into well running both matters together and it seems right and proper that we should do that .
23 They 'd start er you know one man gen mentioned er that when we get married in church erm we are making sacred vows you know we start with God but then we get busy with our living and our jobs and having our families and then somehow we forget about God and we we try to go on without him .
24 and we we have tried and tried but you can not light the spark .
25 So we do know and we we do remember reading about bi er Romans in the bible at that time .
26 And we we do try to keep them busy and we have monthly parties and erm
27 And brought the coal cutter in and they they put brought the pans and The shaker pans they used to wear belts then , for shaker pans you see ?
28 Erm , and has , we have n't got anybody here who has relatives living in Canada , erm , but once or twice I found that people recognised that because , they 've been to Canada , visit relatives and they they they they therefore know and they they 've heard .
29 I do n't I do n't believe it is erm at the mo well earlier this week a report was published by the National Commission on Education which was er an independent erm Commission that was set up erm and they they 've said that basically what we need to be doing is t if we 're trying to raise standards is to keep the idea of having an all graduate profess profession followed up by high quality for train training for teachers once they 've actually started work .
30 Where beat officers come into play is where you 've got the non-urgent , what we call , the traffic , the non-urgent jobs , erm , where people can afford , maybe a couple of hours , it might be that they have to wait until the beat officer gets on duty could be a day or so 's time and they they do do an awful lot of work , and it 's an ongoing thing .
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