Example sentences of "and [noun pl] which [vb base] been " in BNC.

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1 There are also a number of tasks and activities which have been developed to illustrate the family dynamic — these include family choreography , role-playing , role-reversal , family drawing , charting , listing , and perhaps most well-known , family sculpting .
2 The thrushes are thought to be harmed by consuming slugs and snails which have been treated with molluscicides , whose use has grown by 900 per cent in recent years .
3 To the urban dweller , all woods look the same , but in landscape terms we must be careful to distinguish between the wildwood ( the remnant or successor of the natural or semi-natural woodland of Britain — which certainly does not exist anywhere today and probably has not since the Roman period ) and woods which have been to a greater or lesser degree managed for the production of timber and wood ( Fig. 63 ) .
4 After the 22nd , the spotlight falls on travel and projects which have been in the offing since around June .
5 There are now over 60 publications and projects which have been developed by teachers and other educationalists , in conjunction with WWF staff , for teachers .
6 In the course of his research , he has discovered missing works and found documentary photographs recording paintings and objects which have been lost or destroyed .
7 It means the loss of hopes and plans which have been building up in the parents during the months of pregnancy .
8 However , behind this surface similarity lie the deeper conflicts and contradictions which have been illustrated earlier .
9 Put another way , the area which can properly be called the ‘ tectonic Pacific ’ is one of relatively low altitude that is bounded by a ring of islands and mountains which have been — and are still being — formed by the geological processes that occur when one tectonic plate bumps into and grinds against another .
10 Most fatalities from T. canis infection occur during the pulmonary phase , and pups which have been heavily infected transplacentally may die within a few days of birth .
11 The miners ' strike revealed the range of new movements and organisations which have been arenas , if complex and contradictory , for the development of working-class culture and working-class consciousness , promising to broaden traditional conceptions of the composition and objectives of the labour movement yet also portraying the unions ' capacity to ignore that potential when it stepped beyond the domestic and controllable to stake its own claims for recognition .
12 Only thoughts , actions , moves and attacks which have been practised until they are second nature will be available at a split second 's notice .
13 Again the LIFESPAN manager receives a summary and the module managers receive a list of their modules and versions which have been deleted .
14 The backgrounds of my tanks consist of tufa rock and corals which have been sawn , drilled and silicone sealed onto the glass walls and back of the tank , allowing for uplifts and so on .
15 ‘ The tourism infrastructure is there , with the new Tower Museum , the craft village and the new interpretive centre , as well as all the events and festivals which have been going on .
16 An examination of the Minutes will convey a picture of the wide range of other issues and problems which have been dealt with during the year by the Committee .
17 Erm at that erm meeting members did er bring up a number of points er , the comments and questions which have been put to the Environment Trust and the answers to them are there on page ninety five under progress to date and , and on onto page ninety six er , the main ones really are the question as to whether er , any rented housing could be provided erm , in the scheme is dealt with there the Environment Trust only develop for sale or for equity share er , they 're not a housing association , they 're a charitable body erm so they did n't feel that they were able to er , take on the role of er , provided rented housing in the scheme .
18 It automatically remembers folders and files which have been opened or saved and allows easy access to them , either via pop-up menus , command keys or a wildcard file search .
19 It seems to open up all the disturbing conflicts and inconsistencies which have been at the heart of their problems .
20 The methods and techniques which have been developed to cope with the child-rearing process seem to apply equally to families who are experiencing the difficulties and frustrations of caring for an ageing relative .
21 The experiments of Dr O'Shaughnessy and others during the cholera of 1831–2 show that the amount of water in the blood was very much diminished in proportion to the solid constituents , as also were the salts Well , the basis of my treatment of cholera is quite simply to try to restore the fluid and salts which have been lost from the blood , by injecting solutions of carbonate of soda or phosphate of soda into the blood vessels .
22 They include trained creatures hand-reared from birth and monsters which have been magically bound by spells of obedience .
23 They include captive monsters goaded into fighting and monsters which have been magically bound by spells of obedience .
24 They include trained creatures from the Imperial zoo , captive monsters goaded into fighting , and monsters which have been magically bound with spells of obedience .
25 In chapter 13 the Group suggests that , for pupils taught mainly through the medium of Welsh , the programmes of study but not the attainment targets for English in key stage 2 will need modification , to accommodate the matters , skills and processes which have been included in the English programmes of study for key stage 1 but have been disapplied in respect of such pupils in key stage 1 .
26 This kind of activity is seen as marginal to the work of the prison instead of as a central opportunity to reawaken feelings and capacities which have been stunted .
27 Gay added his own elegant and often ironic lyrics to traditional airs and ballads which have been atmospherically arranged by Ilona Sekacz for an excellent band .
28 But the heavy rain has been welcomed by the British Waterways , as a much needed boost for its canals and reservoirs which have been kept low during this year 's long , hot summer .
29 Their task will be to help otters and seals which have been contaminated by the seven mile long oil slick .
30 Some nurseries have old boats and vehicles which have been made safe for children to play in .
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