Example sentences of "and [noun pl] which [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is often a shared pattern of experiences , beliefs and attitudes which have all arisen within their particular generation and which can never be fully shared by younger people .
2 So Tallis at last entered the stone corridors and galleries which had once led Harry to the first forest , and a forbidden land in whose winter embrace he had become lost .
3 This is then developed through exercises and projects which encourage both systematic and intuitive work .
4 The account of global politics that I have given here derives in part from such a paradigm , in which I emphasize the importance throughout the twentieth century of the opposition between capitalism and socialism , and more generally between those processes and policies which tend either to increase or to diminish inequality in its diverse forms , within societies and in the world as a whole .
5 Nerve cells , unlike other cells , have the ability to communicate with other nerve cells by the use of long thin fibres known as axons and dendrites which extend outwards from the cell body , allowing the cell to influence from 1,000 to 100,000 other nerve cells .
6 If there were absentees from the gathering of Khans and Noyons which waited sycophantically in the antechamber through which they left the palace , Alexei supposed they were the result rather of an excess of celebration than of flight in the face of possible discovery or inquisition .
7 The touring painters , however , showed little sympathy towards the quiet intimacy of the valleys and lakes which became so evident in the literature at the end of the 18th century .
8 " But I will still stick to my favourite plants — busy lizzies and begonias which do so well in the shade and provide lots of colour .
9 These are creams , lotions , sprays and mousses which dissolve away unwanted hair just below skin level , using chemicals such as calcium thioglycollate .
10 She had been disappointed that he showed no love of the poetry and books which meant so much to her , only reading about industrial history and dry facts and figures .
11 Part of its determinants reside in prevailing power structures and relationships which shape both the external environment the organisation faces and internal corporate realities .
12 The biggest breakthrough in the farm came with the arrival on the scene of a small grey tractor called a Fergie and it seemed as though almost everybody had at least one and it became the jack of all trades on the farm and implements which had previously been pulled by horses had their shafts removed and couplings were made to fit them behind the tractor .
13 Among the traditional agricultural tools and implements which remain today , you can see in common use the enchada , a cross between a pick and a hoe which first came to Madeira in 1440 from the Algarve , and also a serrated sickle ( fouce ) for grass-cutting and a kind of pruning hook ( podão ) .
14 He could also play a variety of instruments ( and passed on this ability to his children ) and knew songs and melodies which had never been written down — just passed on from ear to ear via generations of Dalesmen .
15 Corpuscular or particulate radiation appears in the form of protons and neutrons which take longer to reach the earth 's upper atmosphere than the higher energy radiations .
16 Another of my themes that is well illustrated by the Nayar material is that the structure of society consists of a network of implicit rights and obligations which link together not only individuals ( considered as social persons ) but also larger groups such as households and village communities .
17 This century has seen the rise to prominence on the world-stage of the ecumenical movement , which grew out of the need felt by Christians engaged in foreign mission to overcome the divisions between churches and denominations which made less and less sense in the missionary context .
18 EC industries like financial services and telecommunications which have most to gain from global deregulation and liberalisation of trade will find themselves excluded from foreign markets because of the EC 's protectionism being reciprocated in East Asia , Japan and the United States .
19 The same process went on in every town and city ; the opening of a prestigious down-town house symbolized a social acceptance of movies amidst the fashionable down-town set but also created new standards and expectations which permeated downwards to other venues and these gradually made it easier for a number of managers to pull in women , children , families , and the respectable classes .
20 Mental health services have unfortunately been generally reluctant to follow this good example and are still developing too many large group homes and hostels which create too many segregated communities of mentally disturbed people .
21 Around Sarajevo there is always an atmosphere : the voice of bullets , shelling and mortars which has now become an atmosphere of ordinary life . ’
22 Graphics are extremely fast ( you need a 386 or a 486 for Epic ) with solid 3D fighter ships and buildings which flash past you .
23 We already use concepts and ideas which cut across or transcend specific disciplines : words such as ‘ arts ’ , ‘ science ’ , ‘ pure ’ , ‘ applied ’ , ‘ liberal ’ and ‘ professional ’ .
24 This is because the process of planning has no alternative to that of moving continually forward and , in that movement , applying methods and ideas which have previously been untried .
25 He wore a white coat , and glasses which seemed disproportionately large .
26 The role of formal carers is a challenging one , full of difficulties but also of opportunities to build services , systems and structures which support very old people in their own homes .
27 So the spring flowers which bloom at the same time each year , and the swifts and swallows which return so precisely to their nest sites , are clearly responding to a more dependable guide .
28 American-born Adelle Corrin , who lives and works in London , creates some of the finest contemporary , grisaille glass , and also makes vibrant windows from what she calls ‘ the primaries , the strong reds and blues which juxtapose excitingly .
29 Shipping freight cabotage was discussed by EC transport ministers in late December 1990 , when they agreed to liberalize , with effect from 1993 , all shipping except for oil tankers , very small coastal freighters , and ships which plied only between the harbours of a single country .
30 For a working constitution in a democracy implies reference to certain norms and standards which lie beyond and outside the document itself , and which can not easily be inferred from it by someone who is not steeped in the history and culture of the country concerned .
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