Example sentences of "and [noun pl] that [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Its aim , he says , is not to become a commercial body but to point users towards products and technologies that support their interests .
2 At just over six foot , with thick curling brown hair and eyes that owed their startling blueness to his Irish ancestry , Tom was used to being the object of female appreciation whilst being slightly puzzled by it .
3 The General wore white tie and tails that accentuated his normal elegance .
4 The agent stopped struggling and hung there , aware of the pain in his wrists and the rasping against his skin , but even more conscious of the massive welts and blisters that covered his throbbing hand .
5 With Digital 's NAS , you have the freedom to choose the systems and solutions that fit your needs most closely — regardless of who supplies them .
6 There has been much comment by Cleese , as well as others , about how being 6ft at the age of 12 ( he 's now 6ft 5in ) , and not being made a prefect at his public school , and being the only child of older , lower middle-class parents , set for a career as a solicitor , began the problems and embarrassments that inspire his comedy .
7 The explosion blew out the windows and door , and shattered the banks of units , sucking up a whirling storm of glass and wires that whiplashed their arm-covered heads .
8 We also find that Ito 's response to our Letter contains some omissions and errors that undermine his position .
9 A calculation is made of the percentage of non-arrivals , cancellations and guests that terminate their stay earlier than expected .
10 He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use .
11 The platoon commanders went back to their soldiers and covered the facts and details that affected their men .
12 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
13 Dressed in ponchos with colours and stripes that announce their village of origin , troupes of pipe and drum players frequently converge from distant villages to celebrate local religious and agrarian festivals .
14 Each time you turn your computer on these files will activate certain programs and routines that configure your system to your pre-set specifications .
15 This , I want to submit , is far more important than many of the material questions and issues that fill our waking hours — questions of food , jobs , ambition and human happiness .
16 There are the Welsh Road , the Salt Way , the Port Way , Akeman Street , Traitor 's Ford Lane and Banbury Lane ; and besides these named roads a considerable number of roads , lanes and paths that excite our curiosity by their directness for miles across almost uninhabited country , or by their association with parish boundaries or ancient earthworks ( like Aves Ditch ) , or some other suspicious circumstance .
17 Ockleton sprang from his chair , steered an unerring course through the piles of books and papers that littered his apartment and shook Harry clammily by the hand .
18 The greater the openness of the boundary , the greater the potential capacity to negotiate across it ; the greater the number of open boundaries , the greater the potential power available to the social actors to promote a dialectical relation with the outside world , to actively influence the processes , policies and events that touch their lives Conversely , the fewer open boundaries there are perceived to be and the more closed , the more powerlessness and passivity is likely to be manifest in relation to the outside world .
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