Example sentences of "and [noun pl] that we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This week , in the sad aftermath of one party too many , it 's a rather tired and emotional litany of crimes and misdemeanours that we have to recount for your delectation .
2 An analysis of the concept of ontological existent , as we saw , brings certain other categories into focus with which this concept is structurally interlinked and demands that we widen the scope of our investigation .
3 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
4 And expectations that we work , be active , and conceal as far as possible the very existence of our periods , mean that the instant , ’ disposable ’ , ’ invisible ’ products of the soft paper industry are the obvious choice for the vast majority of women .
5 There is nothing in the event which is necessarily traceable to a divine source and nothing which proves the system of doctrines and revelations that we call religion .
6 Yeah , what about the fucking night that we did two and a bit hours and the other little bits and pieces that we 've been fucking doing it ,
7 The little bits and pieces that we talked about .
8 Monsieur Venet , the proprietor 's son is the chef and cooks with a passion , creating dishes with wonderfully rich sauces and flavours that we 'd never savoured before .
9 excellent , scale and ability what we need to agree on is the skills and abilities that we want in there .
10 They come here to make a success of their lives , which suggests to me that , despite all the gloomy statistics and stories that we hear from the Opposition , this is still a country of enterprise and opportunity , if one really wants to find that opportunity .
11 It seems as if the Opposition flounder almost every day in their responses to the charges and questions that we put to them , and I very much hope that they will clarify their position on national insurance charges on high and not so high incomes — and on whether any increases will be phased in .
12 You know , beef and things that we have to import from the E C at the moment , we could import from like , New Zealand .
13 Are we prepared to discipline ourselves to restrictions and regulations that we feel we ought to impose for our own good ?
14 He looks at its age-old mysteries and traditions as well as the modern rituals and victuals that we have come to enjoy today .
15 But of course in terms of partnership , you will have our support and any way we can aid and abet you then we shall do that , erm but you can tell from the questions and comments that we have some distress about the
16 At the present time it is being compounded of course by the er effects of nineteen ninety three Education Act with all that that Act implies or tightening up er many of the processes and procedures that we follow in dealing with special educational needs , we have a host of new draft documents for consultation from the Department for Education .
17 My mother and I , that morning were to travel to Heathrow Airport to fly to Australia to see family and friends that we had not seen for over five years .
18 That 's right , yes , I run the Search Room there , which means that erm people come in to Pelham House , they usually meet me at a desk on the end of a telephone and I put them onto the documents that they want to look at and I make sure they 're ordered up from where they 're kept in one of the various repositories and strongrooms that we 've got , and then I produce them for them and erm if they need any help reading them and so on I give them that .
19 In later academic criticism , it is only among Marxists and feminists that we had an overt evaluative pressure .
20 And then setting out our way of operating to , to meet the specifications and requirements that we 've set for ourselves .
21 A lot of the glues and solvents that we use in the home , especially if you 're putting lino tiles down or , or carpet tiles , down contain substances that are highly flammable .
22 I ca n't remember at the policy and resources why it was decided by a majority because in in replying to this report on making our comments to this report , I first had consultations with officers to go through some of the items that we had done and issues that we had covered in this authority especially the members ' services sub committee and we knocked off the bare bones of er a report to the policy and resources committee and the policy .
23 We need to retain the choice to present ourselves to the world as ‘ not-beautiful ’ , to prevent suffocation and keep up a satisfactory interaction with people and tasks that we encounter .
24 You 'll also get a supporter 's card , regular bulletins , copies of leaflets , stickers and posters that we print .
25 The Secretariat is totally committed to providing an efficient and professional service for the Bar and others that we come in contact with .
26 Does all the art of reformers , activists and militants that we see exhibited in luxurious international galleries help prevent racial and ethnic conflicts ?
27 The distinctive feature of man 's mode of living in the modern age is his concentration into gigantic aggregations around which cluster lower centres and from which radiate the ideas and practices that we call civilization .
28 Ooh , various methods , er at the moment , we , there 's just solely six of us throughout the whole country , that er work on appeals , er we raise money through various means er from flag days in the street to major fund raising efforts , er and events that we organise er round the country .
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