Example sentences of "and [noun pl] that [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 the train had made its imperceptible departure and was rolling along again past the uninhabited infinity of rocks and lakes and conifers that seemed to march on to the end of the world .
2 She went to bed in her own room , still full of pictures and possessions that had belonged to a previous and vanished Phoebe .
3 In 1933 it first appeared in its present format , accompanied by the slim one-volume Supplement which added quotations , words , and meanings that had come to the editors ' attention after the publication of the relevant part of the Dictionary .
4 Their lifestyles focused on the social networks around the pubs and clubs that had emerged in the wake of Gay Liberation .
5 Chesarynth washed , stuffed her torn and dirty hospital gown into the recycling chute and stole another , even brushed her hair ( she checked again ; no tower growing through her skull yet ) and then had to find a place to hide the dead leaves and twigs that had cascaded from the tangles .
6 The face was long and pale , with a shaggy beard and eyes that seemed to look out from deep hollows .
7 They almost all wanted to stay at the fabulous old Hotel Mamounia , a place of wonderful gardens and lakes that had achieved fame when Winston Churchill came to paint there in the fifties .
8 An interference effect was indeed apparent at the start of the final stage ( Fig. 4.7 ) and did not differ in magnitude between subjects that had received their aversive training in the same context as that used for the test and subjects that had received aversive training in a different context .
9 Clearly it had been taken several years earlier , but it showed , even then , the supercilious cast of a face which had looked into the camera with head held well back , and lips that seemed to smile with a curious arrogance above the Vandyke beard .
10 Die-hard conservatism represented a continuation of the fears and anxieties that had surfaced in those most respectable publications , The Times and the Morning Post , with their debates over the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Cause of World Unrest , at the end of the war .
11 Elizabeth Mowbray , faced with the conflicts and uncertainties that had beleaguered the court during the weeks following Edward the Fourth 's death , had made plans to return with Anne and Joan to Framlingham until the tumult had died down .
12 Helen , however , was still imprisoned in the fears and longings that had marked her life during the first years of puberty and was obsessed with the idea that she would never marry and have children .
13 ‘ Rock faces were being eroded and plants that had taken millions of years to establish themselves were being destroyed almost literally overnight , ’ the fount of wisdom continues .
14 The months and years that followed saw the establishment of a much more substantial Soviet presence in Afghanistan than any that had previously existed , including political and economic links as well as a growing military commitment .
15 This diversity and range was nowhere better demonstrated than in our six prestigious national lectures : The first of these lectures having been held in Sheffield , this second was held in Tynemouth and Bill Oakes , Chairman , Northern Section , and his committee are to be congratulated on the 200-plus members and guests that came to hear what Alan had to say .
16 It was such qualities , combined with its outstanding durability and scarcity , that led the Chinese to invest it with the symbolic qualities and applications that served to mark it out all the more emphatically as for them precious beyond all other substances .
17 The patient , domestic acts performed in this country of fogs and mists that had made English murderers the doyens of the civilized globe .
18 He wore an open-neck shirt and trousers that needed pressing , but he 'd apologized for his ‘ unkempt ’ condition when he 'd first greeted them , explaining that he 'd been decorating at home and had pulled on the first things to hand in his haste to get to the waxworks .
19 The answer was close now and the minutes remaining before it was revealed to her were harder to bear than the days and weeks that had gone before .
20 Already the enemies were smugglers , the English , free traders , and governments that wished to tax the industrious to support sterile bureaucrats and pensioners .
21 Having discovered where Gabriel slept , he poked about in the hollow of the pageant cart , gathering up the tributes and luxuries that had found their way down into the dark .
22 The idea had arisen for Frank through his location and questions that had come up about muons ; Sakharov had been developing fusion in secret and picked up the notion because he would have been on the lookout for any papers about fusion , of whatever sort .
23 At the end of the Second World War the US and UK set out to construct a new order for international trade and investment , a set of institutions and arrangements that became known as the Bretton Woods system .
24 The aircrew mess was a drab building , erected in the haste of war , with a brown polished floor and girders that criss-crossed to support a low tin roof .
25 I did notice , however , that some of the wild plants and flowers that seemed to do well on my pastures did n't grow in other people 's fields .
26 Had n't much the same thing happened to her father , hints and innuendoes that had ruined his life ?
27 Photographs , ornaments jammed anyhow on to whatever might accommodate them ; furniture , chairs and tallboys that seemed to fight for space .
28 It was not only the houses and buildings that were affected , there were also many cars and vans that had to stop their journeys and wait hoping the water start to drain away so they would be able to reach their destination .
29 There were long streaks of stickiness on the floor to which ash had stuck , glasses with remnants of drink , some with cigarette stubs disintegrating in them , some tipped over in puddles of booze , plates with remnants of food and cigarettes that had smouldered out among them .
30 They had checked similar seats that had been subjected to the rough and tumble of Metropolitan Police life , and ones that had supported over 70,000 miles , and they were all right as rain .
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