Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [that] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 Communities seem to want airfields and pilots around , so they do n't load them with the penal rates and taxes that lead to high parking and landing charges as in this country .
2 Its use is based on the reflexology principle — that there are specific pressure points on the palms and fingers that relate to different organs in the body : any blockage will be felt as a twinge of discomfort in the hand and can be cleared by applying a little more pressure to the roller at that point .
3 They may adopt clothes and hairstyles that belong to one group of contemporaries or another , and change their political or religious views several times .
4 Fig. 21.18(a) and ( c ) ) of a computed instantaneous vorticity distribution , and patterns that correspond to the structure are picked out by shading .
5 The difficulty with all these policy areas is that the effect on economic efficiency is by no means clear cut : there are nearly always benefits and losses that have to be weighed .
6 There are stick insects that look like twigs , butterflies that resemble bird droppings , seahorses that appear to be pieces of floating seaweed , moths that look like bark and frogs that seem to be nothing more than leaf litter on the forest floor .
7 Moreover , there is not so much to smell when you are flying high up and away from the scents and aromas that cling to the Earth — or even if , like man , your nose stands at a height of five or six feet , rarely bending towards the ground .
8 The agreement between the two ministries also provides for the care of cultural objects and monuments that belong to the other but can not be moved .
9 He heads up the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau ( phone 071–928 4488 ) , which was set up in 1981 and which provides an independent service for the resolution of disputes between personal insurance policyholders and holders of unit trusts , and companies that belong to the scheme .
10 In recent decades , considerable progress has been made in identifying personal and social factors which can be damaging or protective , and some of the complex interrelationships between events and circumstances that contribute to psychiatric risk ( Rutter , 1985 ) .
11 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : When keeping any bubble-nesting Anabantoid , it is good practice to include floating plants and plants that reach to the surface to provide hiding places and nest sites .
12 In effect , these become projected standards of care and treatments that attach to patients of a particular group .
13 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is who he says he is , because he is who he used to be , because Dudley Moore is to all intents and purposes Dudley Moore , actor , musician , mascot , clown , then there are a few details and descriptions and facts and figures that have to be mentioned .
14 Does he accept that the overall effectiveness of the various schemes and agencies that contribute to crime prevention , including neighbourhood watch , is seriously impaired by the lack of co-ordination between them ?
15 But I have to admit that in the past I have been offended by people saying that it 's just formula for me to play melodies and structures that come to me very naturally .
16 We on this side of the house believe that this extension of the franchise to E C citizens resident in Britain is a clear affirmation of our practical commitment to greater European cooperation and rights that apply to all European citizens .
17 Within this environment , he is a fully competent social performer and has an adequate knowledge of the rules and conditions that pertain to his behaviour .
18 They note the range of institutions and processes that contribute to the formation of local political practices .
19 Yet still they work in improving the mood from where it is now and still there may be no perception that the depressed mood and damaging consequences of use could possibly be the responsibility of the very substances and processes that seem to be the only things that can make life better .
20 ‘ We are three-quarters of a mile in the depths of the earth , and the great river shrinks into insignificance as it dashes its angry waves against the walls and cliffs that rise to the world above ; the waves are but puny ripples , and we but pygmies , running up and down the sands or lost among the boulders .
21 The head of the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom , Helmut Ricke , urged the government and opposition to strike a deal in crucial talks next week on the privatisation of the state-owned concern , Reuter reports from Bonn : the talks between the government and the Social Democratic opposition are due to resume May 14 : politicians on both sides of the debate , which resumed last month , agree a decision must be reached before the Bundestag 's summer recess on July 3 or there wo n't be enough time in the legislative calendar to pass the bill before next year 's parliamentary elections ; TeleKom finance director Joachim Kroeske complained to the Wall Street Jorunal that ‘ We have an organisation more like a bureaucracy than a real company — we have civil servants with lifetime employment , high pensions and salaries that correspond to the length of service and how many children they have . ’
22 I am sure that the Minister will be aware — representing a rural area , as I also do — that there is considerable concern about closures and amalgamations that lead to both defendants and witnesses having to travel vast distances .
23 Since differences of less than 1% can be shown to be statistically significant when working with large sample numbers , Woodley chose to comment on differences and trends that appear to meaningful rather than merely statistically significant .
24 It 's unfair for another reason : most of the walkers , climbers and cavers that come to the Dales , the Lakes and the mountains come because they love them , because they respect them and care for them and want to keep them the way they are so that the people of the future can enjoy the wildness and the greatness of the earth .
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