Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Right now Stephen hang your cups up and put the knives and forks away while I sort this out .
2 If the water did enter a person 's house they were usually able to move all of the furniture and possessions upstairs where they would keep safe and dry , but this was not possible for all the residents .
3 The aircraft , worth millions of pounds , was on a routine training mission when it came down six miles from its base at RAF Upper Heyford.Eyewitnesses have described seeing the plane trailing smoke and flames just before it crashed .
4 Is it possible that ‘ secular ’ Protestants have a good deal of respect for evangelical beliefs and values even though they do not share them ?
5 We , I stapled them all la ages and ages ago and they still came off .
6 They also had to be decorated with braid and ribbons even when they were out ploughing in the winter ; George Sadler told me :
7 They 've even installed closed-circuit television and computers so that you can see it coming round corners .
8 Remarkable things can be done linking projectors and computers so that you get composite or varied images on a wall of screens .
9 He wanted to do a Beatle medley and for that we made four cut-out caricatures of The Beatles in hardboard and painted them and then fitted them on frames and easels so that they could be stood up and moved around .
10 Erm I I 've done a lot of listening this evening er and I 'm sure you have too from from the way in which the the rest of the board have been responding er with there eyes and ears even if they have n't always been open .
11 I do not mean that a self-conscious conventionalist would ignore statutes and precedents altogether once it was controversial what force these should be given .
12 She scrambled along on leftover momentum , using her hands and knees more than her feet .
13 Help the person to move towards the edge of the chair , and position your feet and knees so that his/her feet and knees are blocked from slipping forward .
14 All you need to do to avoid this reflex is to bend your hips and knees so that your body is balanced until you reach the chair .
15 They also taught man the rite of circumcision and the secret languages of birds and animals so that he was able to trap or befriend them , and showed him how to divine water .
16 Voluntary organisations attract support from such narrow groups and enthusiasts precisely because their constituency of appeal is a narrow one .
17 The moment she encounters Romeo and senses somehow that her life has changed her movement becomes more purposeful .
18 The most relevant aspect of his advice concerns ‘ rural tourism ’ as one inevitable relationship between government and the rural people , which introduces biases in development programmes in which the poorer are neglected because they are inescapably the most remote and difficult to reach ; and in which university education and professional training blinker and condition researchers and planners so that they see problems of poverty in terms of their own specialisation and through filters of supposedly superior knowledge and status .
19 The approach to the building is through a thick rubble wall of granite enclosing a hanging garden which embraces patients and visitors alike as they enter .
20 I , the armchair observer , lament the cessation of the old skills and crafts just as I deplore the desecration of the open fields by more and more bypasses , pylons , wires , bungalows , concrete , traffic and litter .
21 Twenty-five years ago , a building contract was regarded by surveyors , clients and contractors alike as something to be signed , put away in a filing cabinet and brought out only in the unlikely event of a dispute .
22 Even those few are now being bled dry by charges and commissions just when they thought that they had entered the land of milk and honey .
23 Today I mean they , I mean when you take , years and years ago when there used to be man handling everything same as timber , I mean we had about three hundred dockers then .
24 For example , if a decision is made to build a factory , it might be years before the building is erected , equipped and in operation , and years more before it earns sufficient profits to pay back the investment .
25 Yeah that that used to be I 've seen on film I 've seen that you know like in Stornoway and places like that they carried the coffins
26 Man must have been conscious of memories and purposes long before he made any explicit distinction between past , present , and future .
27 Birmingham Convention and Visitor Bureau offers a hotel reservation service for groups and individuals both before you arrive or on the day .
28 And in my view what they could n't achieve on that night in Parliament in the nineteen forties is now being achieved by stealth , slicing bits and pieces away as they go along .
29 Since such rules can be optionally applied to the same basic sentence structures , they provide a linguistic basis for the notion of * In this , as in subsequent chapters , we number examples and extracts only where we need to refer to them in the text .
30 She says that the canons used to be filled with nails , nuts and bolts etc and they could cut a man in half .
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