Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [pron] have been " in BNC.

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1 There are also a number of tasks and activities which have been developed to illustrate the family dynamic — these include family choreography , role-playing , role-reversal , family drawing , charting , listing , and perhaps most well-known , family sculpting .
2 The thrushes are thought to be harmed by consuming slugs and snails which have been treated with molluscicides , whose use has grown by 900 per cent in recent years .
3 All the doctors , psychiatrists and groups I 'd been to so far for help had made me feel worse than ever : could she be any different ?
4 To the urban dweller , all woods look the same , but in landscape terms we must be careful to distinguish between the wildwood ( the remnant or successor of the natural or semi-natural woodland of Britain — which certainly does not exist anywhere today and probably has not since the Roman period ) and woods which have been to a greater or lesser degree managed for the production of timber and wood ( Fig. 63 ) .
5 After the 22nd , the spotlight falls on travel and projects which have been in the offing since around June .
6 There are now over 60 publications and projects which have been developed by teachers and other educationalists , in conjunction with WWF staff , for teachers .
7 A whole series of practices and expedients which had been widely used as an organised diplomatic system began to take shape fell into disuse as it became better established .
8 They had built up the industry on cheap labour , and their only answer to the challenge of foreign competition was to attempt to cut back the limited improvements in wages and hours which had been secured during and immediately after the war .
9 You may find you can develop this into tits and finches you have been watching .
10 In the course of his research , he has discovered missing works and found documentary photographs recording paintings and objects which have been lost or destroyed .
11 It means the loss of hopes and plans which have been building up in the parents during the months of pregnancy .
12 However , to help centres , students and employers it has been decided that communication , numeracy and information technology should be assessed through modules which have been specifically designed to deliver these core skills .
13 Detectives in Newcastle want to trace a local pop group to return stolen musical equipment including a keyboard , amplifier and speakers which has been recovered .
14 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , sociologists and anthropologists , including Émile Durkheim , were interested in the reports of travellers and missionaries who had been to parts of Australasia .
15 Additionally , the buyer can claim damages which would be equivalent to the difference in cost of buying another similar computer elsewhere and any other expenses and losses he has been put to as a direct consequence of the breach , with the proviso that he mitigates his losses , that is , he keeps them to a minimum .
16 However , behind this surface similarity lie the deeper conflicts and contradictions which have been illustrated earlier .
17 The review of government functions and organizations which has been carried out … is intended to lay the necessary foundations .
18 It is sad when sisters and brothers who have been on good terms quarrel about who gets what , whether the reasons for wanting a particular item are commercial or sentimental .
19 It was greatly feared , in fact , that the structure of employment was such that it supplied the rising generation with little discipline and even less skill , and that it threatened to produce an endless tide of loafers , unemployables and ne'er-do-wells who had been thrown on to the scrap heap in their late teens or early twenties .
20 Today it is a tribute to the French architects and craftsmen who have been restoring it so faithfully ever since .
21 This was not , however , immediately apparent to those photographers , instrument makers and lanternists who had been fired up to experiment with moving pictures after hearing reports of Edison 's Kinetoscope , the original what-the-butler-saw machine , or witnessing the first projection of films made by the Lumière Brothers in 1896 .
22 There was a wide range of dolls , cars , and gadgets which had been donated to the private collection over many years .
23 The effect of the war was , as in many other industries , to force government , employers and unions in shipping to face and to solve as best they could , many problems of relationships and jurisdictions which had been simmering , and from time to time erupting , for many years .
24 Put another way , the area which can properly be called the ‘ tectonic Pacific ’ is one of relatively low altitude that is bounded by a ring of islands and mountains which have been — and are still being — formed by the geological processes that occur when one tectonic plate bumps into and grinds against another .
25 Now he had to face cares and obligations which had been unknown to him before ; and the beginning of his cares lay in the stern discipline of the study of books .
26 From London to Glasgow , from Cardiff to Newcastle , historic buildings have been restored and areas which had been run down have been transformed .
27 To help ensure diving community safety , PADI now publish the names of PADI divemasters , assistant instructors and instructors who have been suspended or expelled from PADI , and therefore may no longer teach PADI courses or issue PADI certifications .
28 The inevitable question , ‘ What did you do in the hols ? ’ would be greeted with a list of the films I had seen , and the dances and point-to-points I had been to , whereas in fact I was not allowed to go to the cinema ( perhaps for financial reasons ) , had never been to a dance in my life , and did n't even know what a point-to-point was .
29 Should he have mentioned the strange symptoms and side-effects he had been observing in his own case ?
30 Most fatalities from T. canis infection occur during the pulmonary phase , and pups which have been heavily infected transplacentally may die within a few days of birth .
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