Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The noise of wheels on uneven roads mingled with the voices of the elite as they alighted at their respective destinations and made their slow and stately way into the houses which had lights in every room from attic to cellar .
2 Iris had an American cousin staying with her and had been too busy dragging him round every art gallery and stately home in the county to have time for her .
3 At the time they were living — ‘ pigging it ’ was the term they used — in a large and lush apartment in the best residential section .
4 His hair curled around his face , and he went to a small basin and swilled water from the tap , rubbing his face and head briskly with a towel .
5 They probably include the nature of the intraluminal contents , the emotional and metabolic state of the patient , and the location of the recording devices .
6 Future plans for the Orangerie include the appointment of a professional director with financial acumen and specific experience of the art business .
7 Censorship of literature on political grounds was by no means new as Thompson 's history shows , and both Thompson and Noyce have demonstrated that the censorship of newspapers in particular ( especially those from the hard and radical left ) is common and endemic , so why this new and specific response by the Library Association ?
8 How can the Secretary of State conceivably claim that Her Majesty 's inspectorate is to be strengthened when its numbers are to be cut by two thirds and it is to be subject to clear and specific direction from the Secretary of State ?
9 We have discussed earlier ( Chapter 2 ) inflation risk , which is common to all bonds , and specific risk in the form of either business risk or financial risk , which depends on the industry or corporation that issues the bond .
10 And for ‘ leadfree ’ read ‘ low-fat ’ — something every sensitive and alert driver in the fast lane of life knows is important !
11 Table I gives a summary of the sociodemographic characteristics and parental smoking of the four groups .
12 But the formality and hierarchical nature of the relationships still struck her .
13 Our aim is to break down patriarchal and hierarchical power within the family .
14 A second , revised and expanded edition of The Bank ( Whitby , 1822 ) earned a passage to the southern states of America , her ninth Atlantic crossing .
15 It 's hailed as the completely revised and expanded edition of the international bestseller .
16 While Shatov expounds and disputes ardently , and incidentally takes a lot of good- and God-focused material off the shoulders of the notebook Stavrogin ( ‘ ‘ Shatov must be tied up before you can argue with him , ' ’ Stepan Verkhovensky sometimes joked' ) , only to Kirillov can it be said and is it said , ‘ you have n't swallowed an idea , but an idea has swallowed you ’ — to which he responds delightedly with ‘ That 's good .
17 The declining popularity of bonfire night in the back garden is having two effects : a dramatic cut in the number of people hurt by fireworks , and booming business for the firms that put on the big public displays .
18 The vegetational and floristic history of the Outer Hebrides can be summarised as one of progressive impoverishment .
19 There were two sets of executions of those convicted of drug trafficking and armed banditry in the north-east city of Mashad in early October and on Oct. 14 , and in Zahedan on Oct. 1 .
20 The mean value of the residual Q was 3.0 ; the standard error in the phase difference between the anomalous and normal part of the structure , ( ) , was 21° .
21 I detest Picasso who , instead of handing ‘ Guernica ’ over to the town whose name it usurped , left his battered and decrepit work to the Reina Sofía hospital after its reanimation in the Prado clinic .
22 He says on a 500-acre farm the cost of an innocent error in completing the complicated forms might be a loss of more than £100,000 over a two-year period and assured bankruptcy for the farmer concerned .
23 I have an absolute loathing of inflation , I want to extend choice and opportunity and want Britain to have a very proud and assured place in the world .
24 The arabesque as a gesture changes to give some insight into the character 's moods , emotions and actions , as well as arising out of the rhythmic and melodic phrasing of the music .
25 A few months before , when she was much younger , she would have screeched this aloud and brought the breakfast table to an uproar , but now she smiled while the coldness took careful and eternal appreciation of the fact that he had been flattered to be asked .
26 It is possible that in the course of time scientific advance will be able to offer at least an hypothesis which will throw some light on the mystery of the origin of the universe and give substance to the belief that life , in some form or other , does have an ineradicable and eternal place in the universe .
27 Six side chapels were each dedicated to the Virgin Mary in relation to the Civil War : Our Lady of Africa ; the Immaculate Conception , patroness of the Army ; Our Lady of Carmen , patroness of the Navy ; Our Lady of Loretto , patroness of the Air Force ; Our Lady of the Pillar , patroness of Zaragoza and declared Captain-General of the Army during the war ; and Our Lady of Mercy , patroness of Prisoners .
28 Next day , Congress declared war on Japan ; three days later Germany fulfilled her agreement to support Japan , and declared war on the United States .
29 The whole family can enjoy a perfect day at Castle Howard , one of the ‘ Treasure Houses of England ’ and historic home of the Howard family .
30 You stay in a suite at Manila 's most elegant and historic hotel at the attractive rate of US$190++ .
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