Example sentences of "and [adj] [conj] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm massaging and grooming her feet twice a day now because lying in bed is creating some roughness on her heels and the sides of her feet that could get inflamed and sore if we 're not careful . ’
2 ‘ I 'm still stiff and sore and I 'm receiving treatment for an injured shoulder ’ he said .
3 So it may be the Regional Association or perhaps the local estuary er Sailing Association is first contacted and what will happen er when one is contacted is that you will come into contact with environmentalists and conservationists and not all environmentalists and conservationists are quite as af affable and conciliatory as I am , some can be quite confrontational and therefore there will be the need for a considerable amount of lip biting and self restraint .
4 But this annual nerve-shredder , as remorseless and cruel as it is exhilarating , had already struck .
5 ‘ It will only really be meaningful and historic if he is a great success , ’ Davis said soon after firing the existing head coach Mike Shanahan .
6 I did that on the basis that it is very difficult to scrutinise the Bill 's Scottish aspects , complicated and far-reaching as they are , as they impact on a very distinct and separate local government tradition and system within the framework of United Kingdom legislation .
7 Charles ordered the beheading of the entire company , bound and helpless as they were .
8 No I , no , I mean you really respond very well , that Tchaikovsky was lovely , I understand at the present you ca n't do as much and admirable as you 're still doing .
9 In my opinion that simply involves that the payment was voluntary if no improper pressure was brought to bear , and involuntary if it was .
10 The water seemed peaceful and inviting and it was hard to believe there might be something lurking beneath its surface .
11 The side which had lain on the river bed was green and moss-grown and there was nothing about it except for its shape and its anomalous position in the water to show that it might have been used as a lethal weapon .
12 If somebody beats you up and you feel hurt and upset and it 's enormously painful then you need to go to casualty afterwards erm that sort of fits the scripts y'know that 's w that 's that 's understandable .
13 Speed really wants to play more centrally and lets face it is better making runs into the box , for crosses and knocks-down than he is at beating a full-back and crossing the ball .
14 If the actual delivery or the birth of the baby had been difficult , traumatic for example a forceps delivery or a very long labour , where the baby and the mum got very tired and exhausted If there 's any , if there 's any congenital amalgamation we can discuss it
15 And then we got to school and it was all big and confusing and there was all these boys I 'd never seen before , all with their parents and some of the kids were weird-looking with funny eyes .
16 Seats are comfortable and supportive and there is a reasonable amount of room in the rear seats .
17 I did wonder if it was a nightmare because it 's so vivid … have you ever had something you remember from your childhood which was so horrible and awful that you 're not quite sure whether it was real or a nightmare ?
18 Pay particular attention to the skin on the shins which is often very flaky and dry because there are fewer sebaceous glands here .
19 It was hot and dry and there was a thin layer of grey dust over everything , including the famous plane-trees which languished ungreenly in the heat .
20 They were a bit big for me but they were lovely and dry and I was feeling great when he came in with a bottle of champagne .
21 Small and weak as I was , I stared firmly back at him .
22 But whether Rider Haggard wanted to move his mysterious veiled woman somewhat further from the realm of allegory near which she certainly appeared to reside in She and Ayesha , or whether he was merely exercising the husbandry of a writer who had created in Quatermain a remarkably useful narrator and wanted to make the fullest use of him , the fact remains that the ‘ She ’ of She and Allan is more shrewdly realised as a woman than in the two preceding books , even if her self- centred mysticism is still as grandiose and woolly as it was .
23 Tom Tremayne had seen to that and Liza , irresponsible and hedonistic as she was , could not quite see herself leaving Harriet holding the baby while she went off to undertake some kind of training .
24 Luckily , the gas had left me feeling so foul and depressed that I was almost looking forward to it , feeling faintly curious about what form it would take .
25 She said people seemed to get more lonely and depressed if they were on their own at night .
26 We were pleased when the news was good and depressed when it was bad , but first things came first and I suppose we all felt we were doing our bit and that our personal lives were at that moment of secondary importance .
27 For her own part , Theodora could n't really see Amy , small and frail as she was , physically assaulting anyone , not so as to kill them .
28 Yet she 'd been prepared to chance it , alone and pregnant as she was .
29 Heather Calzini spent thousands of pounds looking for Milliegrey , worth around £60,000 and pregnant when she was taken from her stable in the dead of night .
30 Ellen Barkin ( small of eye and thin of lip ) , Jamie Lee Curtis ( bright-eyed but androgynous ) , Anjelica Huston ( body to die for — unforgiving face ) , Bette Midler ( where do I begin ? ) uncurled themselves across screens from LA to Llandudno , playing women who were as sexy and salacious as they were ballsy and bloody-minded .
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