Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Counts and metabolic parameters reverted to approximately pre-SO 4 levels when sulphate was stopped .
2 If you talk nice and polite people listen to you .
3 He draws on a rich body of primary material , mostly confraternity documents held in the Florentine Archivio di Stato , from which he extracts both general features of the companies and specific details relating to the structure and practices of 12 active laudesi companies in the city .
4 The anatomical points used are vital and specific combinations correspond to the particular ailments .
5 Feeding your fish is probably the most important aspect of the hobby , but one which in terms of technical and specific advice seems to me a very grey area indeed , not helped particularly by product-leaflets/literature or indeed product labels as designed by the fish food manufacturers .
6 The prognostic importance of the anti-neutrophil antibody in both PSC and ulcerative colitis remains to be determined , as does the nature of the proteinaceous antigen(s) .
7 Studies have suggested that both diversion colitis and ulcerative colitis respond to rectally given short chain fatty acids , and recently a controlled trial of butyrate enemas in ulcerative colitis showed significant improvement in clinical and pathological parameters over placebo .
8 A few dozen Jacobean and Georgian coppers came to light , a fair quantity of musket balls , and the other hammered coins illustrated which were all discovered in this one section .
9 In the summer of 1986 , the legacy of Westland and local-government losses led to a relatively low point for the government .
10 Artefacts , works of art and historic buildings need to be considered in their historical and geographical context .
11 Diversity , controversy and possible contradiction have to be taken seriously .
12 Indeed it is this alienation that is the welling source of their pride and self-esteem but in order that it can thrive a psychic and political boundary has to be drawn around it .
13 But why was the capitalist mode of production more efficient than feudal landownership , and why does this generate social and political change leading to a new power structure in society ?
14 Now , as Scotland 's religious and political position came to be a matter of major concern to France and England , they fully grabbed the chance to enter the world of European politics , and to behave like those who already inhabited it .
15 For them , too , military and political activity had to be scrupulously avoided .
16 Scotland was still , by contemporary standards , an unusually localized country , in which the government impinged less ; and it had two centuries of experience of long periods of royal minorities in which government and political life had to be kept going without the guiding hand of a monarch .
17 Around 100 members and guests participated in the programmes , the first of which looked at the future economic development of Scotland while the second examined the social and political circumstances relating to the ambitions outlined in the first .
18 The emotional and political stability afforded to Nizan by his entry to the PCF in 1927 needs to be examined in the light of other factors influencing his personal development at this time .
19 Their acceptance of financial dependency and political negotiation led to constant adaptation and concession-making , delaying yet further the achievement of equality by an active homosexual movement .
20 Johannes Uyttenbogaert was closely involved with the Remonstrants , a liberal and political movement opposed to the extremes of Calvinism .
21 The collection is strong in ethnographic , social and political publications relating to the ll people the Soviet North .
22 At the same time , economic and political realities had to be accommodated .
23 Scotland is ahead of the rest of the UK in providing an accessible modular system of continuing education whereby qualified nurses can undertake planned learning experiences in the form of ‘ modules ’ designed to meet the needs of different clinical specialties , and in more generic form , drawing from major areas of study drawn from moral , legal and political issues related to nursing , nursing practice , technology and science related to nursing .
24 National histories and political contexts have to be taken into account ; Marilou Diaz-Abaya explained for example that the Marcos regime had encouraged and subsidised an indigenous entertainments ' fiction-film industry in the Philippines , but had put severe restrictions upon the making of documentary .
25 The leader writers and political correspondents went to town on this .
26 On El Salvador and Guatemala , Amnesty International said that it had " overwhelming evidence " that the Army and police were responsible for most of the kidnappings and political murders attributed to death squads .
27 This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region .
28 Scarcely worth mentioning at this stage is a rather pointless and uninformative letter sent to Sir Daniel Fleming by Will Kirkland on the 22 May 1692 .
29 Spontaneous and unrehearsed music seems to be acceptable to clergy who do not know about music .
30 The only other study that made corrections for pyloric loss and duodenogastric reflux came to conclusions that are the same as ours .
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